Cosmic Conflict: On the Boat

By Lizalfos, in Cosmic Encounter

The new expansion is officially on its way, being shipped to FFG as we speak, if I understand the "on the boat" status correctly. For those more familiar with FFG's time tables, any good guesses as to how far it is away from being in our hands? I'd like to guess a month at most.

Usually it's 4-6 weeks on the boat, then 1-2 weeks on the truck before it hits stores. Peter Olotka has been saying "January" and then "January-ish" for the release date, so I'll predict the first week of February!

The boat could have been underway for as much as a week before they updated the Upcoming page, due to the holiday break.

woohoo soon we will have filth again!!! Cant wait for my first filth/disease game

I wish I were on that boat. Anyone know if FFG is hiring deckhands?

arg still on the boat!! I check every morning when iget into work for an update. it is maddening. My gaming group will talk of nothing more then this exspansion. I want it here so we can play darn it.

Where do you check for these 'on the boat' status updates...? Please?

The slow boat from China.

It's more so of a horror for me that I have to re'ship the expansion to Germany when it finally arrived at the US... argh... the waiting drives me mad!! :-D

someone put some jet fuel in that darn boat!!!

I think boat fuel might be more appropriate, but then again, maybe it already has boat fuel, unless they're paddling, which is beginning to seem more and more like a possibility.

Let us make a pact to start a new thread when the boat arrives, since every time I see this thread has updated, I just get my hopes up. I know, I am now as guilty as the others by adding to it, hence the pact.

Hail the coming boat!

I have to update it one more time, sorry, to say: what if these games (gasp sorpresa.gif ) weren't made in China? We could make them anywhere on the North American continent, have toxin-free components, fewer hopelessly and irreparably maimed miniatures (if any!), and not be supporting the world's most despotic government's labor practices while polluting the oceans and burning a ridiculous amount of fossil fuels. Whatcha think o' that?

Oh, and we'd have our damned games quicker too. aplauso.gif

Sure. Okay, they printed the expansion in the U.S. Now it's $40. You get to answer all the e-mails complaining about the price. ;-)

Kobold Curry Chef said:

Sure. Okay, they printed the expansion in the U.S. Now it's $40. You get to answer all the e-mails complaining about the price. ;-)

Good thing you beat me to it. I would have said the same thing, but with detail about why it would cost 40 bucks; the kind of detail that just starts fights. ;-)

The Warp said:

Let us make a pact to start a new thread when the boat arrives, since every time I see this thread has updated, I just get my hopes up. I know, I am now as guilty as the others by adding to it, hence the pact.

Hail the coming boat!

I'm with The Warp. Could we have radio silence until someone actually spots a change of status on the product? Obviously, you do not have to answer this post!

Hail the coming of the boat!

Adam said:

I'm with The Warp. Could we have radio silence until someone actually spots a change of status on the product?

I think you missed Jack's point. Since it would be virtually impossible to maintain radio silence, his idea is that we should all agree that when there's some real news somebody will start a new thread so we can all safely ignore this one without missing anything.

So I did. But don't I have some authority as thread creator? Oh well.

It would be easier if the thread were kept silent until then since I have been subscribed to this thread waiting for news. I can't subscribe to a potential thread.

Well, I guess they'll update the site when that happens, and I'm subscribed to Cosmic's RSS. I'm just so tired of waiting that I wanted to have the news completely flood my inbox when it hits!

Well, it may be a bit longer than we thought...

No Cosmic Conflict on there, at least through the middle of February.

There's still no new news on the subject, right...?

No ... but thanks for making it look like there was.

You're welcome... ;-)))

Ahh, I'm psyched about the new expansion... so many possibilities... :-D

The latest update says "The conflict begins next week." That seems to strongly support this latest link you've provided.

It's on the truck now, so you're right.