I was thinking about this earlier today (in the shower actually
) and it kinda makes sense to me that dodge and parry should not be flat characteristic tests, but opposed.
Think about the following scenario: Redshirt soontodie guardsman is armed with a common sword. He is fighting a khornate cultist armed with an axe. Said cultist decided that khorne desires the poor guardsmans skull and promptly tries to sever it from his opponents shoulder and attacks. He hits, even though he's got a lousy ws of 23.
Our poor hero however has had some training, so his ws is 30. Add the +10 from his balanced sword, and with a total ws of 40, he parries the attack and send the cultist back to the fiery pits he came from.. or his mom.
Then a Khorne Berserker enters the room and decides to make an all-out attack, probably putting him in the 70-90 range when it comes to ws. Luckily, our hero still has a 40% chance of parrying.... does this sound right to you guys?
I admit that I havent thought this all through yet, but I believe I may be on to something here...