Tricky Questions

By Drglord, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

WE have come with some very interesting questions after 100's hour of descent yet again.

1) Monster attacks a player (doesn't miss) and then the overlord plays crushing blow. Player then plays a blocked, evade anyway a feat card that makes the attack a miss. What does it happen? Does the same rules as guard apply? Do the overlord can take back the crushing blow as it never happened and the threat doing a rewind as it was interrupted? Or does the attack miss and the crushing blow doesn't work?

2) Very interesting situation we came up. As i understand a large creature can use any of it's spaces to trace line of sight and range. What in hell does it happen when reach get's in play? It happen that in a situation a space of a large creature had LOS to a player had reach but THAT particular space was 3 away but other spaces were just 2. Things get alot more complicate if you add sweep to the deal. That gets kinda weird.

3) There is a feat card named flaming gury and this is the text "Play after making a successful magic attack on a monster (a magic attack that doesn't miss).

Place 3 Burn tokens on that monster".. Our overlord said that you can only place burn tokens on ONE creature even if you attack with a breath or blast which i think it's a bull since it's just the weird way they wrote it or was it intended to work that way?. Feedback on that would be interesting.

Thanks in advance.

Drglord said:

WE have come with some very interesting questions after 100's hour of descent yet again.

1) Monster attacks a player (doesn't miss) and then the overlord plays crushing blow. Player then plays a blocked, evade anyway a feat card that makes the attack a miss. What does it happen? Does the same rules as guard apply? Do the overlord can take back the crushing blow as it never happened and the threat doing a rewind as it was interrupted? Or does the attack miss and the crushing blow doesn't work?

2) Very interesting situation we came up. As i understand a large creature can use any of it's spaces to trace line of sight and range. What in hell does it happen when reach get's in play? It happen that in a situation a space of a large creature had LOS to a player had reach but THAT particular space was 3 away but other spaces were just 2. Things get alot more complicate if you add sweep to the deal. That gets kinda weird.

3) There is a feat card named flaming gury and this is the text "Play after making a successful magic attack on a monster (a magic attack that doesn't miss).

Place 3 Burn tokens on that monster".. Our overlord said that you can only place burn tokens on ONE creature even if you attack with a breath or blast which i think it's a bull since it's just the weird way they wrote it or was it intended to work that way?. Feedback on that would be interesting.

Thanks in advance.

1. See this thread . Actually I vaguely remember another more recent discussion that was a bit more in depth, but I can't find it.

2. Reach
The Reach ability allows a figure to make melee attacks targeting spaces one space further away from it than normal for each rank of Reach it has. As with other melee attacks, rolled range does not affect the attack – it only misses on a miss result. The attacker is required to have a line of sight to the target space
Large monsters
Large monsters occupy all of the spaces they fill. Line of sight can be traced to or from the center of any of those spaces.
Melee attacks
Melee attacks can only be declared against adjacent spaces.

So, we have reaching melee attacks against adjacent + X, where X is number of ranks of Reach (IIRC Reach only has Ranks in ACs, so in vanilla X is always 1).
LOS can be traced from any space of a large monster.
The reaching attacker must have LOS to the target.

Looks to me very much that technically the monster can hit the hero. Its a loophole. Another tiny advantage fro big monsters, who have large disadvantages.

3. This one is easy. Flaming Fury specifically affects one monster, not every monster affected by the attack. Your OL was right. This is a bonus event after the attack, not an add to the whole attack. I'd imagnie they wrote it that way because magic is the one attack type most commonly with AoE types and so it is quite likely this feat could be abused by doubling, tripling, or worse, it's 'natural' power.

Thanks for the answers. But the link doesn't work :(

Drglord said:

Thanks for the answers. But the link doesn't work :(

It does for me.Try again?

I agree with Corbon's answers on all these points. +1

Also, the link isn't working for me, either. Heck if I can figure out why, but nothing happens when I click it. Maybe the forum software is just being stupid again.

Funny thing it only opens if you choose open in a new window :) At least i figured out how to make it work :)

Good eye. Right click + open in new tab worked for me as well (in Firefox).