How likely is it for someone, just realizing this awesome game exists, to find a Deluxe Edition now? I have nothing against getting the normal base set if I have to, but I would prefer the painted units.
Deluxe Edition Question...
I think they are rereleasing the box at some point b/c it says that on its statis under upcoming section. but other than that your gonna have to try ebay or something.
I did see that, but it also says that it was expected fall of 2010. So, I guess I'm worried that they never updated the page for a second wave of deluxe sets.
I had heard they did a first batch of 50 Deluxe Editions and after those sold the would make a second batch. I'm not sure if a pre-order number had to be reached first though. I was told that it takes month to paint a deluxe game, but I don't know if they were implying deluxes will be made-to-order or done in batches.
I pre-ordered a Deluxe Edition a few weeks back so I'll let you know if I find out anything more.
Ok, well doing more research, I found another site that had it up for pre-order and I called them. They assured me that it was coming in February and that they would have one if I pre-ordered it. They keep the pre-order button available as long as they can meet demand.
So then I tried calling FFG to see what I could get, but they were already closed. I am going to try again in the morning this time.
Very good Fuzzy. If you don't mind see if you can find out if the Deluxe Edition of the "The Gunners" Troop packs come with the extra guy too. It be nice to lay that one to rest as well.