Could someone please help me out in answering some questions. Thanks.
1. In the first round of the game, who gets to go first (who is the "speaker" for the first round)?
2. There is a card (sorry can't remember the name) that allows you to "place" 2 PDS for free.Since the card says "place" and not "build" we assumed that these could be placed on any planet, even one without a Space Dock. Was this correct?
3. I'm uncerain if we were using the trade agreement cards correctly. If I was the Hacan, and I made a trade with 2 other players, does this mean that I collect the value of goods on their cards they give me? (This seems to be how it works, but it seems odd that since they Hacan's trade cards are values of 3, and all the other races are 2's and 1's, that the Hacan don't seem to gain as much from trade as others?