New Online Campaign-any takers?

By Lucius Vorenus2, in Rogue Trader

Hello everyone

I'm a somewhat new GM who is interested in running an online campaign over skype or another instant messaging system. Looking for any players who would be interested in playing. Preferably characters with a backstory and a balanced party.

Lucius Vorenus said:

Hello everyone

I'm a somewhat new GM who is interested in running an online campaign over skype or another instant messaging system. Looking for any players who would be interested in playing. Preferably characters with a backstory and a balanced party.

I'm interrested in, but what kind of instant messaging do you want to use ? I must already warn you that I'm not an English native speaker.

By the way, which frequency and hours do you project to play ? I'm personnally on GMT +1 Time Zone.

I have a Rogue Trader or Seneschal character nearly ready.

I'm thinking maybe of using Skype unless there is a better medium to use out there. If there is can I get a recommendation. And as for times and frequency; I am on US Pacific time so the time difference would be a bit. But i'm thinking maybe like 1 p.m. Sundays weekly or bi-monthly.

that's too much a difference 'alas. godspeed for your group and adventure to come ! happy.gif

I'd be interested in taking the role of Senechal (character not quite finished, so I don't mind dicussing whats best for the team and making changes). I'm in England (GMT+0) but can accommodate anytime between midday (4am PST) and 1am (5pm PST) on Sundays.


I'm interested in playing. I've just started, so been spending alot of time making characters and so can play just about anything. Well, except for the RT or Void Master. For whatever reason I've not been real interested in those two careers.

Explorator would likely be among my favorite options though.

Edit: Oh yeah, I'm in EST and Sundays are fine for me overall.

Hmmm alright, sounds good. Good balance among about 5 players with good RPing is what i'm ultimately looking for here. Seneschal and Explorator are perfect so far. Just write up and submit a backstory for your characters. And I move around the time to fit everyone's schedules the best, I'm free all sunday so my time slot is pretty much 24 hours.

I'm interested.

Preference by class:

#1: Rogue Trader

#2: Missionary

#3: Void Master

Also, might I suggest OpenRPG for a medium?

Rogue Trader would be good. And for the software, i'm working with Maptools now and OpenRPG. Which would be best to use for a campaign?

Mkay, still have openings for a Missionary, Arch-Militant, Void-Master, Astropath, and Navigator. Using Maptools as the primary gaming tool i'll create a channel when there is a bit more interest

I'm interested, if this game is happening at a good time for me. I'm in New Zealand (GMT +13 while daylight saving lasts).

Will you be allowing Ork or Kroot PCs ?

If not I'd prefer a missionary, though I'll be happy with any of the classes. I won't be writing anything up until you have finalised the time.

I would say no to Xenos for now. And the time will be 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time on Sundays.

That works for me.

Party still in need of an Arch-Militant, Voidmaster, Astropath, or Navigator. If you would want to make a commitment into the game can you please send me an e-mail with a backstory. Email address is [email protected]. I'm thinking of starting the game up next week

Hi, I am interested, just found this tonight, will submit a character tomorrow night if you are still taking players. Also I would suggest using for hosting. It is a virtual table top, easy to use and free. Thanks!

I e-mailed in my sheet a while ago but haven't heard anything yet.

Karoline said:

I e-mailed in my sheet a while ago but haven't heard anything yet.

Try emailing again - I got a response after I sent a second email.

Lucius Vorenus said:

Rogue Trader would be good. And for the software, i'm working with Maptools now and OpenRPG. Which would be best to use for a campaign?

I would recommend maptools. It's a far more stable client than openrpg. It's a bit cumbersome to learn but once you do it's lovely. The default image maps are geared towards non-scifi campaigns but it gives you a place to start.

Oh, and skype... skype is your friend!

I am up for navigator or astropath.

How do I contact you?

Is there any spots left? I'm more than willing to play any role that is still needed. I can have the character and backstory done within the day.

I signed on for a different game so I won't be joining, so I guess that means the RT spot is up in the air

I actually finally got my schedule for school and rowing. I will not be able to run this campaign for a little while because i will be extremely busy. I'll keep all those who show interest in mind if i'm running another one later on, but right now I won't be running one. Thank you all for your time and your interest and good luck on your future adventures.

So who is still up for an online campaign ? And is anybody willing to pose as a GM ? Online based and voice chat based would be great. I am at GMT+1 but could make it for a game starting at noon PST.

I might be up for it. I have a Rogue Trader rank 1 with 6000 xp. he has a fellowship rating of 50 and the talented trait for his command skill. been looking for a game for a while. can't get anything local. i have never done a backstory for him, not much of a creative writer.

I'm still up for it if we can find a GM. Have a Seneschal made, with backstory.