Brood War expansion

By Firenight15, in StarCraft

What do you guys think about the new expansion coming out? my question is, if they are adding more units, other than the heroes, like a medic, how will they add it into it? the barracks can only hold 3 units, how will they add a fourth?

What about heroes? how will they work? what would be the overminds hero? I don't think it will be the overmind itself. And what about raynor? he could be any of three different units, a marine, vulture, and battlecruiser. How will we get to use the heores? through event cards? buying them? or will we start with them? and if we start with them, what if raynors hero is a battlecruiser? or will certain heroes be able to upgrade through the event cards? Like 1 stage raynor is a marine, when you go to 2nd stage he is a vulture, and then 3rd stage he is a battlecruiser? or for Kerrigan, will she get more abilities as the stages get higher?

Please post your thoughts.

I would imagine that each faction will get a new card detailing what units are available, and that these units will be positioned on the card to cause players to consider developing them. As is, a Terran player really doesn't need to advance any further down the Barracks tree than the Marine, since Firebats are so highly specialized and Ghosts require a huge resource investment to be worthwhile. The Medic could be placed on the same tier as the Firebat (Barracks level 2) and not only would that fit with the PC game (Academy is the prerequisite for both Firebats and Medics), but it would give the Terran an incentive to invest in infantry production. This process could be repeated with all other units, although the Zerg Lurker and Devourer could of course be activated through technologies, much like the Guardian is now.

The heroes for the factions should be easy, as they're all in the game itself. The Zerg have plenty of generic heroes like the Torrasque (Ultralisk) and Devouring One (Zergling), so I'm not too worried about the Overmind's hero selection. Every faction should be relatively easy to convert a few heroes for. I have no earthly idea how they would be implemented, but I'm sure there's a way. That said, I do have my reservations over the whole 'hero' issue. One reason I prefer Starcraft as a franchise over Warcraft is its lack of emphasis on heroes, and I sincerely hope that Brood War's heroes respect this focus and do not become god units that require armies to destroy. Upgradable heroes would resolve many of my issues, since you'd only be able to have one hero unit on the board at any given time, which is perfectly fine with me.

i think the heroes are cards with special abilities, for example Jimmy Raynor can be a 6/7 card with ground splash damage, with the marine/vulture image on it. Same for Tassadar(high templar/carrier) a , Phoenix(dragoon/zealot), but i have my doubts with overmind.

i think the heroes are cards with special abilities

That would be the easiest way. I can't imagine, that heroes would be small figures...But maybe, in TI3 the "heroes" (characters) are small markers carried by ships....

We need some bites of answers from the FFG-guys!

I dont even own the base game yet and I would LOVE to see this expansion!

Where can I read about the expansion?

Can't wait to see what it's gonna look like. I found the game was great but needed more variants like TI3 has. Something like special victory condition that would be cards that would be distributed... That expansion is gonna make that game a master piece!

I hope they make some units that are currently a little bad more useful. For example the firebat.

Railarian said:

Can't wait to see what it's gonna look like. I found the game was great but needed more variants like TI3 has. Something like special victory condition that would be cards that would be distributed... That expansion is gonna make that game a master piece!

same opinion. probably the forthcoming expansion introduce units from broodwar and some mechanics to make game more strategic (deploy units, research, buildings) and less " warmonger". gran_risa.gif

i would love to have some more information about this expansion... at the moment i have more on conan and this expansion seems to be released first happy.gif thats not a good sign

Hope there will be more informations about this expansion soon... Can't wait to know more about it!

Ditto. More infos, infos, infos!

their isn't much new info, and the only place I can find selling it is amazon. my only question is why does amazon lable it as hardcover? shouldn't it be a box?(or is that what hardcover means?)

Amazon always lables as they want to. If they have no information, it's all the same - the spaces have to be filled out. Don't trust them.

Stefan said:

Amazon always lables as they want to. If they have no information, it's all the same - the spaces have to be filled out. Don't trust them.

oh ok, thx

Well, the information about the expansion is now starting to emerge from the FFG pipeline, and exciting information it is, too. Even though we have to wait for the scoop on the heroes. I wasn't sure about expanding this game; it's not one of my favorites, but the new units seem very interesting. Now with the promise of new information, the whole thing is sounding more enticing.

Man! The FFG article on Brood Wars just gave me goose bumps of joy! Can't wait!

The new units all look really cool. I'm very glad that they made all new race sheets to include them.

Does anyone else get the feeling that the Terrans were shorted as far as new units?

The Ghost, while nice, doesn't look like it has any of the uber abilities that other assist units have (although heal could potentially be very good for your cheap marines). I suppose it will make the Terrans stronger early on, when everyone is still using infantry.

The Valkyrie is limited to air only; so is very situational.

Whereas both other sides got perma-cloaked units good at dealing heavy ground damage.

The Protoss got a spiffy looking ability in Disrupter Web (looks like an air version of Dark Swarm) + a fairly cheap Dark Templars with a free merge into a Dark Archon.

The Zerg got a highly armored flying unit with air splash and a powerful ground unit with ground splash; while they are limited in their attacks, they both upgrade from pre-existing units, meaning that they can be flash built when conveniant and kept in their previous form when not.

I'm not criticizing things, and I expect that it is all balanced well. These are just my initial impressions.

Boy, it's not even out and I'm trying to figure out the best uses and weaknesses of each unit.

Well what should they do? These are the units that are in the Computer Game. FFG cannot really invent new units or unit roles, they can only try to balance them just as well.

kilrah said:

Well what should they do? These are the units that are in the Computer Game. FFG cannot really invent new units or unit roles, they can only try to balance them just as well.

They could have made something with the goust, though.

INFESTED TERRAN!!!!!!!!! YEAH BABY!! ALL RIGHT! ... ok now that thats over with sonrojado.gif i am really excited for the zerg. i was wondering why they didn't add the infested terran to the zerg, but they are at least here now. Now my little infested critters can bring their terran frinds to my hive to be infested lol. "(terran marine) yo mark hey hows it going? i'm really surprised that you survived that zerg assault!" (infested marine) "oh yeah...that, hey wanna know a cool area to set up camp? fly your base over to the southern part of the planet, and bring friends." (marine) " dude, their are zerg their!" (I.m) Naw, we killed them, just trust me ok?" (M) ok! *flys base to the south* hey, anybody wonder what that weird crap on him was?" (marine 2) "mayby it's a haloween thing?" (m1) oh crap! * see's that a hive is their and the zerglings are waiting for the cammand center to land, and hydra's shooting at it with a queen watching this. (M1) i shoulda guessed! wait whats that?" *he see's mark and a few of his friends waving hi to him*. yeah, thats how it's gonna be like lol

looks good from that article.

Nice to see them adapt the old stuff to fit in new units. Also nice to see balancing of the old units.

Hope to see some more planets to choose from aswell, and terrain sounds interesting indeed.

Can't wait!