What do you guys think about the new expansion coming out? my question is, if they are adding more units, other than the heroes, like a medic, how will they add it into it? the barracks can only hold 3 units, how will they add a fourth?
What about heroes? how will they work? what would be the overminds hero? I don't think it will be the overmind itself. And what about raynor? he could be any of three different units, a marine, vulture, and battlecruiser. How will we get to use the heores? through event cards? buying them? or will we start with them? and if we start with them, what if raynors hero is a battlecruiser? or will certain heroes be able to upgrade through the event cards? Like 1 stage raynor is a marine, when you go to 2nd stage he is a vulture, and then 3rd stage he is a battlecruiser? or for Kerrigan, will she get more abilities as the stages get higher?
Please post your thoughts.