Unchallenged But Skill 0

By Mr. K, in CoC Rules Discussion

Hi all,

Would love some clarification on this point...

After resolving the Terror, Combat, Arcane and Investigation sttruggles, what happens if both players have skill totals of zero. Rules say if Active player has zero skill he is unsuccessful BUT it also says if the Opposing player has zero skill the story is considered unchallenged and the Active scores an extra success token - so what happens? Does the Active player score an "unchallenged" success token or not?


K xx

If you have skill 0, you get no tokens, even if your opponent has skill 0 as well. In order to succeed at a story, need skill 1+ and in order to get an unchallenged bonus token, need to succeed at the story first.

Dam is correct. You can find the explanation in the rule book on page 10, under "Determine Success."

First we find out how to succeed:

00128165Philadelphia University1119214.0Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USJAX-NONE

In addition, in order to be successful at a story, the active player’s total skill must always be at least one or higher. If his total skill is zero or less, he does not succeed at the story.

So if you have 0 skill, then you don't succeed (don't get a token for skill). Then we find out how to get the "Unchallenged" bonus token:

00135203Philadelphia University1123714.0Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USJAX-NONE

Unchallenged Stories : If the active player succeeds at a story, and the total skill of his opponent was zero (or less), the story is considered unchallenged, and the active player may place an additional success token on the story card.

Since you did not succeed (because of zero skill), you don't get to do this part.

And what if you commit characters (skill at least one) and the opponent doesn't (example, he doesn't have any, or all insane). What happens there? Is it Unnoposed? (Sorry, 1st time player! :) )

If your skill is 1 or greater and your opponent's skill is zero = 2 tokens

If your skill is 1 or greater and your opponent's skill is less but nonzero = 1 token

It doesn't matter whether his skill of zero includes any characters or not.