BP Name Conquest Wnd Ar Fat Spd Mel Ran Mag *** Sub Wiz Ability
352 Telvan and Orcbane 2 12 0 4 5 1 2 0 2 1 0 When a new area is revealed during your turn, you gain extra movement points equal to your speed.
350 Elaria 2 8 1 3 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 Once per attack, you may spend 1 fatigue to re-roll one attack die showing a miss result, but you must keep the second result.
340 Ciridin 3 12 1 3 5 0 0 3 0 2 1 Once per turn, you may spend 1 fatigue to draw a random Wizardry skill. You must shuffle it back into the deck at the start of your next turn.
360 Mirala Gutstrom 3 12 1 4 5 0 0 3 0 2 1 At the start of your turn, you may spend 1 fatigue to cause the overlord to lose 2 threat.
356 Jaeena 3 12 1 5 5 2 1 0 1 1 1 You regain 2 fatigue when you declare a Run action.
332 Kael, Sohn von Gurin 4 16 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 After making an interrupt attack, pay 2 fatigue to keep your guard order.
291 Gyruk Sippentöter 4 12 3 3 4 3 0 0 3 0 0 You have Ironskin. You may not equip Runes or Armor.
375 Harthan Axtgiesser 4 12 2 6 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 You may spend 1 fatigue before rolling any attack to give that attack the Bleed, Daze, and Knockback abilities.
Runebound Midnight Heroes for Descent made with HeroGen 24
I'm not entirely convinced about some of them, while others seem enjoyable. Could you somehow make "sheets" for them, it may sound stupid, but seeing the images associated with all numbers in the right places helps me a lot in getting the exact idea of the character...If you absolutely can't, then I'll just try to feed back to you anyway.
Elric of Melniboné said:
It's not stupid, I feel the same way. As is the only thing I can really pull from these is the special abilities. Maybe if i went and got another hero card for reference...
Orcish said:
350 Elaria 2 8 1 3 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 Once per attack, you may spend 1 fatigue to re-roll one attack die showing a miss result, but you must keep the second result.
I assume this ability nullfies other re-roll powers (due to the general "only one re-roll" rule.) I don't see why you'd ever need to enforce the "must keep the second result" since the wording of the ability asserts that the first first roll is a Miss. The second roll can only be equal or better, not worse.
As a general rule query, is the stealth die considered an "attack die?" It would be important for this hero since if it isn't that means she can't re-roll it if it generates a miss.
Orcish said:
340 Ciridin 3 12 1 3 5 0 0 3 0 2 1 Once per turn, you may spend 1 fatigue to draw a random Wizardry skill. You must shuffle it back into the deck at the start of your next turn.
Orcish said:
360 Mirala Gutstrom 3 12 1 4 5 0 0 3 0 2 1 At the start of your turn, you may spend 1 fatigue to cause the overlord to lose 2 threat.
Forgot the "once per turn" clause on this one. Without it, the ability is highly broken.
Orcish said:
332 Kael, Sohn von Gurin 4 16 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 After making an interrupt attack, pay 2 fatigue to keep your guard order.
Nice. I can see much wailing and gnashing of teeth (for the OL) when this guy shows up. =)
Orcish said:
375 Harthan Axtgiesser 4 12 2 6 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 You may spend 1 fatigue before rolling any attack to give that attack the Bleed, Daze, and Knockback abilities.
I think one Fatigue for three abilities is a bit much. Bleed, Daze OR Knockback would be more reasonable. Whether or not he could spend multiple Fatigue to get more than one of them is up for grabs.
Now I have a bit of time, I'll try to review your characters...Some time ago I also thought about making Midnight heroes with Herogen, so your work was particularly interesting for me too.
Telvan and Orcbane are pretty ok, but since they have similar design to Okaluk and Rakash, I'd give em 1 less Fatigue (Fatigue3) and 1 more Speed (Speed6). This stacks well with their ability and brings their BP to a total of 360, which is just perfect.
Elaria is also quite ok, but I'd give her 4 Fatigue and move a Subterfuge Skill to a Wizardry Skill. 362BPs is definitely reasonable and like this she should be able to make more use of her nice ability without renouncing to much firepower. Besides wizardry skills on elves are always flavorful.
Ciridin is the best out of the bunch. So very cool. Adding him a Fatigue point (Fatigue4) wouldn't unbalance him much and would bring his BP cost to 365 which is still pretty, on my opinion. Another way to get him to 360 BPs would be adding a 20 points perk. Since he's the "savage" type, I believe both Climb (immunity to Rubble and Water) and Shadowcloak (which lowers his Armor to 0, but makes him untargettable from the distance) could be fairly flavorful options.
Mirala Goodtide is a good character as you designed her, but a bit out of character if you asked my opinion. First I'd move a single Magic die to Ranged, since I don't believe she brings around a crossbow just for show...Then her Runebound ability works with trading items and a thing I like about Antistone's editor is that it has lots of abilities working with market and moneys. I'd lower her Fatigue to 3 and substitute her Level2 Seer Skill with Merchant Eye (when she's shopping she may look at the top card of the treasure deck she's using and put the card on top or bottom of the deck) and Merchant (double coins from stashes). This would make her overall useful and flavorful on my opinion, but you're allowed to disagree, of course. Her BP cost would be 362, which is pretty ok too.
Jaena of Sharuun is also a very nice design, but as I said about Telvan and Orcbane, she's mounted on a horse, so she should be faster than the average elf. Move Fatigue to 4 and Speed to 6...and she gets to 360BPs which is again just perfect.
Kael is just not ok on my opinion. He doesn't look to me like a guy with just 1 base Armor and he doesn't even look like the kind of guy with ranged/magic dice or subterfuge/wizardry skills. My proposal is a bit complex this time and diverges a bit from Antistone's editor, without abandoning it entirely as a balancing tool. Give him base Armor 2 and Speed3, turning him into tank. He fights unarmed, so what about Unarmed Mastery ability? This forces him to a fixed value of 2 Melee dice. To specialize him give him also 2 Fighting skills. This leaves him at 320BP. 40 points is the cost of Level2 Barbarian and (although the editor doesn't allow adding two abilities to a character), I believe this is the way to go with this guy adding him +2Armor (to a total of 4), Ironskin and inability to use Runes or Armors. Like this he's a pretty strong character, but with serious equipping restrictions. I believe he should be quite original, flavorful and even balanced...a supposed BP cost of 360 already tells something...
Gyruk Kinslayer...I appreciate the idea of giving him Barbarian which simulates nicely his ability from Runebound, but Armor 3 without possibility of increasing is plain bad, even with Ironskin, especially if coupled with 12HP and CT4. The simple fact that your verion of this character is 1BP less than Ispher already tells he's going to be one of the worst characters to stride the Dungeons of Descent and I don't believe it's meaningful making a character which would be automatically botched at the beginning of the game in favor of someone else. Since I already opted for using Barbarian on Kael, we would try something else for this one. A good alternative to Barbarian may be Streyana Steedfast's ability (+1 Armor and cannot wear armor that prevents from equipping Runes). Since he seems to wear some light armor in his picture, I guess it's also ok with his flavor. I'd also increase his HP from 12 to 16 (making him an actual 16HP and 2 Armor with some armor penalties). Like this he's still a 326BP character, so adding a perk could be conceived. Since he's an Ork-fighting Ork (as his Kinslayer name suggests) I believe a Shield Buster perk (+2 damage VS melee monsters) should be sufficiently flavorful. He gets to 356BPs which is fair.
Hartan Axecaster is nice, but 375BPs is pretty high. There are various ways of rebalancing the guy. First, you could lower his Fatigue to 5 and move the Ranged trait die to a third Melee trait die. He gets to 357 and may perform even better on my opinion! Second, you can lower his Fatigue to 5, his HP to 8 and raise his Armor to 3. He gets to 352 and 8HP 3Armor is very typical "Dwarven kit". Third, you may lower his Fatigue to 5, raise his Armor to 3 and entirely remove the Ranged trait die and the Subterfuge skill. He gets to 359BPs, and becomes a highly specialized tank (very Dwarvish in itself) who must spend fatigue to overcome his lower offensive faculties (only 2 dice and 2 skills). I love tanks, so I'd definetely go for the third option, but I'm rather biased on that side.
I hope you take no offense for my suggestions and that they suggest you some good ideas.
PS - Still wish to see sheets...
Telvan and Orcbane
I have changed the ability to this, Stats as before:
When a new area is revealed, you may immediateley move a number of spaces up to your speed, then turn continues
Now the ability can be used in an advanced campaign, he would move 5 spaces, after each Dungeon level setup.
I will use her like this, the wording is form makehero PDF.
i also will keep him as he his
I took the Merchant's Eye in that case it would be a smugglers Eye ability: When you Shop, you may look at the top card of one treasure or skill deck, then put it on the top or bottom of that deck.
Changed her to 2 Wizardry Die and one Ranged Die
The Crossbow convinced me.
i will keep him as he is, i find the ability great, and the balanced traits and dies are like RedScorpions so i will not change that
i used him in RtL with 16 wounds and 3armour and 3 movement, was a beast with ring and enduring. 5 amour with ironskin was hard.
so now i took a new route and chnged his stats to 16 wounds 3 Fatigue 2 Armour and 3 Movement and this ability: Your attacks gain +2 damage while you use a single weapon and are not wearing armour
I reduced the Fatigue to 5 as i saw that not every Descent Char has the same amount of Fatigue as in runebound, and his ability functions only in melee.
If someone wants jpegs of them just PM me
I'm happy my feedback was somewhat useful. It was a really interesting and inspiring discussion. I'll send you a PM so you can send me the j-peg, even though I'll modify them according to my personal tastes.
PS - How do I send PMs in this forum? I can't find the command...
PPS - Orcish, if you have time, could you please give a look at my last post in the Mists of Zenaga characters tread and give an opinion. Thanks.
Oh you can't send PM's on this Forum, did not notice this yet, but you can contact me on the Boardgamegeeksite, i am OrcishBard.
Sorry, but I'm not really proficient with that forum either...I can't find a way to search for you in the BGG forum and even then, I can't see how to send PMs there...by the way, couldn't you upload the images on this tread...this would make downloading the JPG much easier for the whole community.
I have issues with putting pics on sites, so i send you a PM at boardgamegeek with my adress.
You have to add someone as a friend before you can PM them and you do it from your profile screen and 'My Friends' (clicking on your name or avatar picture should normally take you there.)
Thanks Dragon76 (is 76 your birth year? It's the same as my girlfriend!). I'll try to add you to my Friends then, Orcish! If this plan fails for some reason, know that my username on BoardGameGeek forum is Dario84!
Hey Orcish, I already sent you my Friend Request. If you somehow can't manage to send me jpegs, couldn't you give me some good links for finding Midnight characters' hi-res pictures. The only pictures I found are too low-res to obtain decent Descent sheets. If I have hi-res, I can make the sheets myself in a bunch of minutes (I did a lot character sheets, so now I'm quite proficient...).
None of them have pictures, but I figured I'd be kind and do the forums a small service :3
Orcish said:
so now i took a new route and chnged his stats to 16 wounds 3 Fatigue 2 Armour and 3 Movement and this ability: Your attacks gain +2 damage while you use a single weapon and are not wearing armour
That's an amazingly weak ability. Enduring is normally a severely overpowered skill on any hero that wouldn't be wearing armor anyways, but for this hero Enduring and no armor still leaves him strictly worse off than if he had Mighty and Chainmail (well, he's down 100 coins and doesn't get the bonus damage on his zero-trait ranged and magic attacks, but you get the idea).
Sorry to necro this old thread, but i am a fan of selfmade descent stuff and i wanted to share my takle on a finalized portation for the midnight heroes: enjoy!
Those are phenomenal. I really like 'em.
Probably going to find a way to print them out nice at some point.
I sleeve my character cards, so I should be able to seamlessly fit them into my pile.
Thanks for sharing and te hard work!