Rule clarifications?

By aridor, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi guys,

I'm running a RTL campaign, and during play there have been a few things asked that I was unsure of.

I've looked through the FAQ and rulebooks and answered most of them, but there are a few that I haven't found clarification on. I could have just missed it while reading through, but I thought I would ask here.

I appreciate the input :)

Q1: Does grapple affect flying units?

Q2: What happens to the familiars when the owner dies? Where do they go when the owner returns from town to a glyph?

Q3: Is it a legal move to pass diagonally between two obstacles that block movement? For example:

W X 0 W
W 0 X W
W 0 0 W

W = Wall
X = Obstacle that blocks movement
O = Open space

Q4: Page 13 in the RTL rulebook says "The heroes each receive one conquest token as a reward for exploration." Is this meaning that the party will automatically get 4 conquest tokens for exploration (4xp each) as it literally says, or is it meaning 1 conquest for the party (1xp each)?"

Q5: Are players free to spend fatigue to upgrade to gold/silver dice regardless of the stage in the campaign?

Q6: Can a unit being affected by knockback pass through the space of the monster initiating the knockback? For example:

W 0 H W W 0 0 W
W 0 0 W W 0 H W

W = Wall
M = Large monster covering 4 spaces, ogre for example.
H = Hero
0 = Empty Space

Thanks again for your help!

To the my knowledge of the rules

A1: Exactly the same as any other unit. Flying just lets them go voer obstacles, they will still need to stop to attack and then grapple hits them.

A2: They stay in the dungeon and can still move around during the players turn. However, you can't Shadow Soul from town, and Furr can't attack.

A3: Yes, it is.

A4: Second option, the Heroes receive 1 CT, and each Hero gets 1 XP.

A5: Yes, so in Copper you could spend 2 fatigue to take a black die to a gold.

A6: Yes, since the Hero flies over the intervening spaces. There's a ruling about it in the FAQ I think it is or its explained in the core rulebook somewhere.

Great thanks for the input, that helps alot.

Regarding the first question, the debate over this rule started because the flying unit actually wanted to fly past the unit with grapple and not attack it.

Rereading the rules, it seems to indicate that the grapple affects anything that would "move" through the space. Which would indicate that the flying unit would be affected and held.

But the argument is that Page 22 of the JITD rulebook indicates that fly lets you travel over a square like the obstacle or unit isn't there. If the obstacle/unit is treated like it isn't there then the grapple would have no affect.

If the ruling is that fly is affected by grapple, there is another interesting scenario.

What if the flying unit goes over an obstacle, would it be immune to grapple while it is passing through?

I would think that it would be as there would be no line of sight. The flying unit could then fly overtop of the unit with grapple where it would still be immune, and then into a square on the other side before the grapple took affect.

Grapple doesn't have anything to do with line of sight unfortunately. As for stopping right on top of an obstacle, two figures/obstacles can not share the same space so the flying creature would have to move to an empty space adjacent to the Hero

1. Yes. Flyers are not considered 'high enough' (due to the constricted space inside a dungeon thematically) to avoid Grapple (simply put Grapple affects adjacent figures, flyers still count as adjacent so are grappled).. Note that in outdoor encounters Soaring creatures (everyone with flying also has Soar IIRC) are not restricted by Grapple unless they 'swoop' and then get caught and 'stuck' at normal ground level. See the text descriptions for Grapple and Soar.

1a. Flyers (and Acrobats) may not be grappled while within a space occupied by an obstacle or other figure. As grappling removes the ability to spend MP, allowing them to be grappled would have an illegal result of two figures ending in the same square or a figure ending on the same square as an obstacle and thus Grapple cannot have any affect in this circumstance. This is a base principle of the game, though I forget where it is recorded. You cannot do any action that results in an illegal outcome, or makes a dungeon 'impossible' (eg dropping a block beside the unkillable beastman leader near a fountain in one of the levels results in a totally blocked corridor and has thus been ruled illegal).

'May move through as though they were not there' is not the same as 'is unaffected by'.

2.Familiars remain in the dungeon doing their thing at their time.

3. Yes it is. Follow the rules for movement on Pg 9. If you don;t break any of those rules then you can do it. For this specific case, consider the example-diagram. The beastman, being un-move-though-able, is effectively an obstacle and Silhouette is showing moving through the gap.

4. 1XP each. The Heroes... is a collective term unless something is added (such as 'each of')

5. Yes. See pages 23 and 24 RtL. Note that the upgrade limits are on Trait Upgrades not on Power Dice upgrades.

6. Yes. Read what Knockback says carefully. RtL pg 29 The figures must be moved to spaces that do not contain other figures or obstacles that block movement. The figure does not actually move through the intervening spaces. As such, Knockback movement is not blocked by intervening figures or obstacles (my bold).