hey guys
so i've played Death Angel for the first time last night and i got say it has the potential to be a great game! but let's start with the facts!
First of all, and despite the fact that i dont play 40k anymore (it was the game that brought me into this world:)), im a huge fan of the theme and background... it is really rich and dense, so i was instantly hooked up! Secondly, i really enjoyed the game because i think everyone likes that "to the last man!" kind of feeling and for god's sake! we're talking about a bunch of marines that are in a space ship surrounded by vicious "little" aliens that appear from everywhere! yesterday we shouted some usual warcries when we saw our 3 (from 8) space marines surrounded by 16 genestealers (Alien 2 anyone?)...we had some good laughs....
Now, why do i say that it has the potential? well then, i gotta admit that the game seems very random to me...i mean, sure i can live with claudio dying in his 2 attack (after he died, my buddy said "we're done"
)...afterall, his ability is awesome! but it seems very strange that, for example, your defense depends on the number of genestealers and your hitting ability is not affected! i mean, c'mon, you dont get a chance to save yourself if more than 5 GS are in a corridor, but you still have that 50% chance to score a hit when the corridor is crowded! i dont think that this rule is balanced at all...even that initial 50% chance to hit is very dubious to me....Even full auto is not that great. i shot with that ability 3 times and managed to kill 3 aliens (1/3)
Another thing....the number of actions. 3 actions and you can't play the one you played last turn seems a bit frustrating when the corridors are full with enemies. I think FFG should increase the # of actions, even if they're were "normal" actions - for example, you could have regular actions that you could play every turn (attack and move for example). i really dont understand why cant you attack every turn. sure you couldn use "full auto" for example every turn, but you could use it to make 1 attack (ranged or close combat). yeah, you could say that they take 1 turn to reload but one could say that they could make a ranged 0 attack with their hands. afterall, they all have gauntlets or something like that (that's how you paly 40k anyway)
Last, i would like to make a comparison: Space Hulk the boardgame is the opposite to this game: its very easy to win with the Space Marines (i also dont like that particular aspect). yeah i know that this game is made by another company, but i think one should try to make a more balanced game.
In the end, i really enjoyed the game but i think it has a bit too much randomness in it. Yeah i can live with unexpected flank changes and such (that's the beauty of it really), but the i think SM should have more options to play. probably with an expansion or maybe house rules....
what do you think? feedback would be great!