i've enjoyed at few matches now and all of them as Sauron. A friend of mine wich i always played with during those matches. Likes to choose the Dwarf. Main reason, high STR and high damage combat cards. Almost all of my monsters are defeated within 2 cards from him (Sweep & Reckless) and most of the time i can't really counter those cards with my combat hand.
The problem is that he now uses these combats to gain more cards. And this is why im posting my question.
an example:
His round begins, he draws his hand cards (offcourse technically in the end of Saurons turn.)
No rest
No ambush
Travels 1 space and goes into combat.
He then puts his strengt into fortitude in order to draw more cards
So he gains 5 or 8 card (i thought his STR was 3 or 4 basic)
Defeats my monster with 1 or 2 cards (in 90% off the battles he fights)
And moves on with his drawn cards and the unused cards from combat.
To get down to my question:
When a hero enters a battle does he":
a. Draw cards equal to his FOR and or AGI (what the hero chooses) combines that stack with his hand stack and goes into combat with it.
After wich the inevetable happens that he defeats my minion and now has more cards to move around the board.
Or what i'm thinking of when i'm reading the rulebook (but it does not specify in my opinion)
b. Draw cards equal to his FOR and or AGI (what the hero chooses) and does NOT combine that stack with his hand. and goes to battle with his drawn combat stack/cards.
To clarify:
When a hero goes in combat. He draws cards from his life pool and uses the drawn cards for combat. putting aside the cards he had in his hand before the combat started.
At the combat resolution he then places the combat cards played and the combat cards in his hand, wich are named the combat stack by the game. Into his rest pool and then moves on with the hand he had before combat.
This is because especially the dwarf but i'm guessing the other heroes to can gather a lot of cards in their hand that way and move around the bord in 1 turn like crazy.
and i know of atleast 1 training card that says: deal damage equal to the number of cards in your combat stack. this killed one of my minions in 2 combat turns :-(
Sorry for the long story but i like to give the whole information when im asking a question. Is there anyone who can clarify my situation for me?