New Players (3 questions)

By Phos_Hilaron, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just picked up our copy yesterday. Played all day. 3 questions.

1) Can the OL move newly spawned monsters? I can't find anywhere that says the OL CAN NOT . Which leads me to believe they can.

2) Is there any "cost" (i.e. movement, etc.) to move an item from un-equipped in your pack to equipped and using?

3) Can you "Battle" (not move, attack twice) and still use a potion which "costs movement" even if you don't move?

Any insight or reference to a page number in the rules would be helpful, or a link to a previous thread. Thank you ahead of time for your answers and time!

I believe the overlord can move monsters the moment they enter play.

Not sure on the equipping/unequipping, I think it might take an action.

You can drink one potion a round. If you do not take a move action you need to spend a fatigue to do so.

Phos_Hilaron said:

Just picked up our copy yesterday. Played all day. 3 questions.

1) Can the OL move newly spawned monsters? I can't find anywhere that says the OL CAN NOT . Which leads me to believe they can.

The OL can activate any newly spawned monsters in the same turn that they are spawned. Page 9. First you spawn monsters and THEN you may activate every monster on the board once. Spawning allows you to place them on the board, Activating allows you to use them.

Phos_Hilaron said:

2) Is there any "cost" (i.e. movement, etc.) to move an item from un-equipped in your pack to equipped and using?

Each Hero gets a free 'equipment shuffle' at the beginning of their turn which costs no movement (Page 8). Additionally, any time they receive new items (ie. Chests or passed from another hero) they also get a free 'equipment shuffle'. If they actively choose to switch around their equipped items during their turn for any other reason it is a movement cost of 2 (chart on page 16 and under the Heading Treasure on page 18)

Phos_Hilaron said:

3) Can you "Battle" (not move, attack twice) and still use a potion which "costs movement" even if you don't move?

Any insight or reference to a page number in the rules would be helpful, or a link to a previous thread. Thank you ahead of time for your answers and time!

If you gain movement points from burning fatigue or some other source (Ring of Quickness) you may spend those movement points during a Battle Action. Can't find the reference at the moment though sonrojado.gif , oh, there it is. Page 18, under spending fatigue mentions battle specifically.

Hope that helps.

Thank you so much! Appreciate it.

dragon76 said:

2) Is there any "cost" (i.e. movement, etc.) to move an item from un-equipped in your pack to equipped and using?

Additionally, any time they receive new items (ie. Chests or passed from another hero) they also get a free 'equipment shuffle'.

This is not correct. Any time they receive a new item, they may equip it and free up necessary slots for that for free. However, this does not grant a free shuffle.

Example: When a hero wielding a two-handed weapon receives a one-handed weapon, he may equip the new one and put the two-handed into his pack for free. However, the shield waiting in his pack may not be equipped in this process.

Parathion said:

This is not correct. Any time they receive a new item, they may equip it and free up necessary slots for that for free. However, this does not grant a free shuffle.

Example: When a hero wielding a two-handed weapon receives a one-handed weapon, he may equip the new one and put the two-handed into his pack for free. However, the shield waiting in his pack may not be equipped in this process.

Only as long as the item comes from another hero:

P. 18

A hero who receives an item from another player may immediately equip it, place it in his pack, or drop it (see “Equipping Items, page 13).

P. 19

Items gained from an opened chest may immediately be equipped, placed in the hero’s pack, or dropped. A hero may immediately re-equip his items , place items in his pack, or items in order to equip the new item.

Parathion said:

This is not correct. Any time they receive a new item, they may equip it and free up necessary slots for that for free. However, this does not grant a free shuffle.

Example: When a hero wielding a two-handed weapon receives a one-handed weapon, he may equip the new one and put the two-handed into his pack for free. However, the shield waiting in his pack may not be equipped in this process.

Mea culpa.

Appreciate the clarification. I would say it was then partially correct rather than incorrect. It is still a free shuffle, just limited to the item(s) received from another player.

dragon76 said:

Appreciate the clarification. I would say it was then partially correct rather than incorrect. It is still a free shuffle, just limited to the item(s) received from another player.

I am not sure if you mean this with Parathion example:

Player-Player: you are only able to swap between the two weapons.

Chest-Player: you get a free shuffle for all your items and you can arrange them totally new > you can also equip the shield.

According to the current FAQ, there is no difference with respect to the source of the item:

FAQ, pg.4:

Q: When can a hero equip items?
A: A hero can equip, drop, or place items in his pack at
the beginning of his turn, just after refreshing cards. In
addition, whenever a hero receives an item from another
player or from a chest,
he may immediately equip that
item, dropping or placing other items in his pack to free
up the hands necessary for the just-received item.

and FAQ, pg. 4/5:

Q: How does the hero “Re-equip” movement action work?
Under what other circumstances may a hero swap out his
equipped items?
A: ... In addition, each
time a hero acquires a
new item for any reason
she may equip that item and unequip (place in her bag of discard) any items necessary for her to do so. For example, if a hero acquires a two-handed Dragontooth
Hammer from a chest, she may place her equipped sword
and shield in her backpack and equip the Dragontooth
Hammer immediately for no MP.

+1 for the above guy in any case you don't get a free reshuffle of items, you can only do that in the start of your turn or in a reequip action. but since this is not a game breaking fact you can use a reequip action every time you get an item and that is how we do it. It's easier and not complicated.