Problem with Stunned status!!!!

By zzzpinzzz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


i want to solve my problem with the stunned status...i make my example of what happen in my last game:

i was using overlord and i was activating my creature,a player that has made a guard action in his turn,use the attack and with a stunning rune he stuns my spider;so i go to read stunning status and i don't reach to undesrtand well what it says....because in the manual the examples refer to ur turn and not refer what it happens during another turn(my example) the spider lose the action suddenly? or he loses the next turn? or he lose both turns? and why?

please give me an official answer!

zzzpinzzz said:

i was using overlord and i was activating my creature,a player that has made a guard action in his turn,use the attack and with a stunning rune he stuns my spider;so i go to read stunning status and i don't reach to undesrtand well what it says....because in the manual the examples refer to ur turn and not refer what it happens during another turn(my example) the spider lose the action suddenly? or he loses the next turn? or he lose both turns? and why?

please give me an official answer!

It's been a while since I've seen this particular issue raised. I believe the answer that was agreed upon last time I was part of the discussion about it is that the effect does not kick in until the spider's next activation. ie: it continues this turn normally and then loses its next turn. At least as far as RAW goes, I seem to recall the implication being that you only check for effects like stun when you first activate the figure.

That said, I think it would be reasonable to say the stun kicks in immediately and the spider's turn stops at the point it was interrupted. As a house rule I don't think that would be broken and it would provide a more immediate benefit for the guard attack (usually the hero in such a situation wants to stop the spider's current activity, not its next turn.)

Stun tokens affect a player's next turn or a monster's next activation as it is the removal of the stun token which causes the effect IIRC.