Overlord Bonus: Average Hero level round up or down?

By LordZon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We are going to play soon. I have two level 1s in the party and two level 2s in the party. Does the overlord get the bonus the average in this case is 1.5. So, do I round up or down?

huh? what exactly are you asking? this seems like a question which would relate to a different game. are you sure you're in the right forum?


Maybe he's referring to the campaign rules in the base set? If so, my advice would be (in order of preference):

1) Don't use those rules. They're poorly written, were tacked onto the system near the end of development, and don't work well at all.

2) If you're going to use them, don't mix characters in campaigns. Make all heroes the same level, either by bumping up the new ones or bumping down the old ones.

3) If you're dead set on combining them, use the average and consult the quest guide on boardgamegeek.com to see if you should round up or down, rounding up when the quest is listed as easy and down when it's listed as hard.

LordZon said:

We are going to play soon. I have two level 1s in the party and two level 2s in the party. Does the overlord get the bonus the average in this case is 1.5. So, do I round up or down?

I'm pretty sure the heroes gain levels as a group per the basic campaign rules. ie: you draw four heroes (or however many) and their related starting skills. This party is now level 1. If any single hero is removed, or even if the same set of heroes are used but new starting skills are drawn, then the party is reset to level 1. You only gain levels as a party.

I could be wrong, as I've only used those rules once and never looked back after realizing how poor they are. I would agree with James that you're better off just not using them and playing each dungeon as a one-shot with freshly drawn heroes.

Thank you for the replies.

To further clairfy this. I am talking the base set. I recieved Descent for Christmas. The reason I had a mixed party was due to the fact that some people who played the first adventure were not available for the second. Rather than punish those who did play I sought a compromise.

I will use the Warhammer Quest rules for split level parties. Since this was never ruled on.

You are not punishing anyone by not giving them a level since "LEVEL" in the basic campaign rules are nothing more that a couple of gold and maybe a skill in the end of the "Campaign". You won't get the feeling of a campaign by using these rules if that is what you want. Heroes won't be able to be winning games unless the overlord is a very poor player. This is game which both sides have the same change (normally) of winning so the idea of the players trotting through multiple quests is a lost cause. Keep the dungeons as a separate quest as intended and if you want campaign play RTL even though even that seems not be liked by many people. I love it personally but other people other ideas.