Want to ask a few questions before I play my first game.
1. During the conquer/mobiize order do you only get to place 1 activation token or can you place as many as you want?
2. With tilte cards, if you use the order to acquire one do you just put at least one influence on it and then it becomes yours? Then, if another player puts more tokens on it it becomes theirs (providing they played the order card)? Thus, each time someone aquires it it costs more every time?
3. With the optional rules, why would you want destroy a destrucbale location? Would it just be to stop an enemy getting the benefits or do you only get the beneift if you destroy it? Also, one of the encounters say it counts as a Rune, do you have to place rune tokens (one rune and one false) for this?
4. One of the order cards allows you to get benefits from development tokens. Do you get beneifts from ALL tokens you have placed on the board or just one that you select?
Thanks peeps.