Question about strategy card "Major offensive"

By death03, in Tide of Iron

Hello everyone,I've just got my TOI game.It's a great game:)

When we play the official scenario "breaking the line",I got a problem.

At Round 3,the German player seize the initiative,and the American player have two strategy card: "Major offensive " and "suprised assault"(card deck Command I ).The American player had actived "suprised assault".Then,just before the German player take his first action,American use "suprised assault" to get a action.Question is ,can American player then use this action to active "Major offensive " and get 3 (said in the scenario)additional action immediately?Or he have to wait until German player finishd his turn?Since the "Major offensive " said "you get 4 additional actions THIS TURN",and the "suprised assault" only give you an action(turn exchange not mentioned).

Thank you for help

BTW,can someone help with some basic strategy?In our test,Germans had very less chance to stand some combine fire.When German machine gun crews are killed,German player have had lost the game.It seems not possible for Germans to stop the Americans from advancing into front wood hex,in which they would show a BIG combine fire(10+ fire power) in the next round.Even unit in 5 cover terrain can not survive such an attack

death03 said:

can American player then use this action to active "Major offensive " and get 3 (said in the scenario)additional action immediately?Or he have to wait until German player finishd his turn?Since the "Major offensive " said "you get 4 additional actions THIS TURN",and the "suprised assault" only give you an action(turn exchange not mentioned).

The American player can use the combination of these cards, and get 4 the actions from Major Offensive immediately, no matter how many actions per turn are stated in the scenario. Rules on cards always overrule rules in the book or in scenarios.

This Scenario favours the allies. It is hard for the german player. You could try to change the rule and give the P IV its full movement. It brings more firepower directly to the front and the option to take out one of these nasty mg`s.