Shifting and Traveling

By deathwinger, in Death Angel

I apologize in advance if there is another thread already for these two questions, but I could not find it.

Question 1: When shfting the formation after a Marine is slain, are terrain peices shifted as well?

Question 2: When traveling to a new location, must all genestealers engaged with a Marine be slain. If they stay in combat when traveling, are they placed on new terrain cards?

Thanks for the help.

deathwinger said:

Question 1: When shfting the formation after a Marine is slain, are terrain peices shifted as well?

Question 2: When traveling to a new location, must all genestealers engaged with a Marine be slain. If they stay in combat when traveling, are they placed on new terrain cards?

#1: Yes, Terrain is moved as well.

#2: No, genestealers that are alive remain where they are in the formation. They don't have to be with a terrain card, as long as they are in the formation, they stay there.

Thanks, that clears up any misunderstanding left from the game.