Is there a reason why this expansion and a couple others are not available? Have they quit making certain expansions?
Is there a reason why this expansion and a couple others are not available? Have they quit making certain expansions?
I think Terrors of the Tomb and Dark Forest are the only ones that can't be found anywhere (been scouring ebay quite a bit). Those two are among the earlier expansion releases I think. Hopefully they'll get a reprint eventually, but then again, could be FFG is saving them for another of the Essentials sets.
Thank you for the input. Thats what I figured, prolly limited printing to get more $$
OnyxWolf said:
Thank you for the input. Thats what I figured, prolly limited printing to get more $$
Well the card expansions are quite old. I haven't seen any new waves come out since I bought into RB two or three years ago. They've since gone out of print, presumably because they weren't selling well enough individually to merit the cost of printing an entire wave again. The Essentials packages help even out sales vs profits and assuming the first box does well, hopefully we'll see more of them there.
FFG doesn't get any extra money if something sells at an inflated price on eBay, I'd say it's more because they're just old than because anyone's trying to screw you.
I eventually managed to find terrors of the tomb, dark forest and artifacts and allies on boardgamegeeks with some Belgium sellers. Prices varied from 7-12 Euros. Once seller had all 3 with about 18 Euros for postage and packaging. Another seller had two of them but would send them in small parcels so was only looking at a few Euros delivery.
Delivery was actually really quick. All in English and in new condition so I was really happy to finally complete the sets I'd been missing.
I hope FFG reprints these individually. I have 9 card-only epansions now and the essential collection has duplicates. I like buying them indivdually.
CougarTGR said:
I hope FFG reprints these individually. I have 9 card-only epansions now and the essential collection has duplicates. I like buying them indivdually.
Really? The essentials collection's retail price is half the retail price of buying six decks. Throw a 30% discount on top of that by purchasing from an online vendor and you are paying 1/3 retail of the original price for them. You cannot get the original decks that cheap anywhere!
I hope they do this for all the small expansions as I am debating re-purchasing Runebound and all its expansions. (sold it off last year to fund buying some other out of print goodies.)
Money is not the problem. I bought into this before the essential packs came out, and I do not want duplicate packs. So, would rather get them singly at this point.
CougarTGR said:
I hope FFG reprints these individually. I have 9 card-only epansions now and the essential collection has duplicates. I like buying them indivdually.
I doubt FFG will reprint them individually. I have been wrong about such things before, mind you, but it seems to me that if they were willing to do that, they wouldn't have created the Essentials box in the first place.
MSC said:
I eventually managed to find terrors of the tomb, dark forest and artifacts and allies on boardgamegeeks with some Belgium sellers. Prices varied from 7-12 Euros. Once seller had all 3 with about 18 Euros for postage and packaging. Another seller had two of them but would send them in small parcels so was only looking at a few Euros delivery.
Delivery was actually really quick. All in English and in new condition so I was really happy to finally complete the sets I'd been missing.
Where did you find Terrors of the Tomb? That is the only expansion I am currently missing and would really like to add it to my collection.