Necromancy, Sacrifice and 0 cost units

By Wichtel2, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Countess Iseara gives a unit Necormancy until the end of the turn. Does a unit keep necromancy even if you sarifice it? If this is correct, than it would be possible to gain infinite cards (walking sacrifice) or infinite damage (Fledgling Chaos Spawn) if you have a warpstone excaption and a Great Unclean One in addition to infinite power on the Great Uncleane One.

There is a similar combination in this thread by Zeruul: (link did not work)

But this one is a lot easier to achieve, because it consists of only 4 cards and two are without cost.

Does not work because the cards lose it states when going to discard.

But it is still a 1 P/R ratio.

Also... I'm not 100% sure that combo with fledging chaos spawn would work completely as sacrificing is not synonimous to destroying (at least this is true in CoC which I'm more familiar with).

msommi said:

Also... I'm not 100% sure that combo with fledging chaos spawn would work completely as sacrificing is not synonimous to destroying (at least this is true in CoC which I'm more familiar with).

If you're referring to FCS's Forced, then no, it doesn't do its damage when it is sacrificed, but I think the main issue here is the Power-boosting of the Great Unclean One.

Thanks i totally missed that. But if you run a Chaos deck the Spawn Combo does work: Warpstone Excavation + Tainted Well -> spanws enter the zone, take one damage, get destroyed and the Spawns trigger. You cant combine it with the Great Unclean One, but 1 dmg for 1 res is good and 1 power for 1 res is good too.

Sadly, Fledgling Chaos Spawn only works when in the BZ itself and only damage units in BZs. As far as sniping goes, that's pretty uneffective. I suppose you could snipe those Sword Masters of Hoeth, but there are easier and cheaper options for dealing with them. FCS has long since been relegated to "back in the box" level (aka coaster) for me.

jogo said:

Does not work because the cards lose it states when going to discard.

Is there a ruling on this?

"A card that moves from an in
play zone to an out of play zone is
treated as though it were a new card.
Any effects connected to the card will
no longer affect it." (FAQ, p. 8)