Hi guys, I'm just opening this tread to discuss a bit about Anima's flavor and some of its most misterious characters. This should be considered a completely open discussion on speculation about some of them and everyone is very welcome to participate in it both discussing the guy's I'm introducing here or proposing as treads of discussions other "misterious" guys or misteries in general in this very nice setting, which is Gaia.
First I'd like to start a discussion about a very misterious girl which travels Gaia: Millenium.
Millenium is cited twice in Gaia's supplement and once in "Los que caminaron con nosotros" (roughly translated as "Those who walked among us") a pretty interesting "monster compendium and other stuff" released in Spanish by Edge Entertainment (very unfortunately unreleased by FFG at the moment). Also, if any of you have the Anima Card Game Expansion "Beyond Good and Evil", she's one of the 5 Arcane Characters (mighty adds to any party), sporting abominable Combat and Speed of 5, a broken "counter" ability and ability to use Subterfuge and Magic.
In Gaia she's cited as a former member of Rah's Conclave. Also a character with the same name was part of Eljared's Conclave (supposedly they're the same person, although there's no "certainty" on the matter...but c'mon, this is a Fantasy World...it's implied they're the same person). In both cases her powers are described as "incomprehensible". It seems that she's not Magician, nor Psychic and it seems she almost never manifested her powers, but still she sometimes made things which were completely out of the reach of others (as if she had some extraordinary and impredictable power). Also, she was the last one to speak with both Rah and Eljared and escaped both Imperium's assaults. She's surely skilled in "human engeneering" since she participated both in Keith Sith's and Exodus' power-up experiments. In her description as a member of Eljared's Conclave it's stated that she can travel everywhere in an instant, practically appearing and disappearing at will. Now THIS hint suggests she might actually be The Traveler (the one former mortal with a syncronization of 100% with Uriel). High level Elan with Uriel confers extraordinary stats (dexterity, willpower, power) AND Gnosis 30 (which could explain her immortality, probably) and being the Traveler it's only normal that she can move around the world practically boundless. ALSO, she warned Rah that the time for freeing humanity wasn't still ready, which could mean she's got some abilities as a Sheer...which are all powers granted by Uriel. Finally, the reason I believe she could be the Traveler is that she tried to help both Rah and Eljared and the true intention of both was freeing humanity (and/or other races) from the bonds of deitis and expecially of the Powers in The Shadows. Since The Traveler should be a herald of ultimate freedom, it's only normal that it twalths the plans of these organizations which somehow "control" the destinies of world. This theory finds somewhat a confirmation in "Los que caminaron con nosotros", where it's explained that Millenium had some "role" in the birth of Omega. Omega was actually born from the Captain of Solomon which struck the Messiah with Longinus Lance and, absorbing his power, due to special properties of his body, became a monster of sort. The point is that all this somehow put Longinus Lance out of Imperium's reach (something which was beyond their previsions), which is very unsetting for them, since that lance is part of a set of weapons designed to create the ABSOLUTE WEAPON to kill the shajads and berils (which is Barnabas' ultimate plan). Hence, once again (well, actually it was her first important intervent) Millenium acted against the interests of Imperium.
As for "class" I'd believe she started as a rogue of sort (possibly a thief, but an assassin is also very possible). Also, she tends to vest like an harlequin, and such dresses are used by a kind of very misterious killing (completely mad) Marionettes which are found around Gaia and sometimes seem to instinctively follow individuals with extraordinary destructive power. I don't believe there's a connection between Millenium and the Harlequin Marionettes, but I might be wrong on that...
Anyone else has any ideas on this character? Is there anyone else you'd like to discuss? I've got Lazarus and Donoban van Horstmann as next on my schedule...