End your mevement?

By Drglord, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This has been bugging me all campaings long. When does the end your movement happen. Since you can't know when your movement will end so that can only happen in the end of your turn right?

2nd) What about Tahlia does she end her movement also in her guard order? So in effect she ends her movement twice?

If you want an example there are many as i recall. The caverns of thull, the keep with the big giant taking swings if you end on the bridge, the throne room dungeon etc...

Drglord said:

This has been bugging me all campaings long. When does the end your movement happen. Since you can't know when your movement will end so that can only happen in the end of your turn right?

2nd) What about Tahlia does she end her movement also in her guard order? So in effect she ends her movement twice?

If you want an example there are many as i recall. The caverns of thull, the keep with the big giant taking swings if you end on the bridge, the throne room dungeon etc...

Ending your movement is when you are done with your turn. It is as simple as that. I really don't see how people really misunderstand this, but they are probably making it harder than needed or just adding rulings in. This means if you have extra movement when you end your turn, YOUR TURN IS OVER, you also cannot spend anymore fatigue. Ending your movement doesn't end your turn though.

Tahlia- When Tahlia discards a Guard order to make an interrupt attack, she may move a number of spaces equal to her speed before or after attacking.

So when you take a "Ready" action, you can say you are placing your "Guard" order at any time. What you should be doing is when you are done moving, then you place your "Guard" order, because if you place it at the beginning, then move, the OL may have a way of damaging you through traps, which would the order if dealt damge.

When activating Tahlia during the OL's turn, you are merely interrupting the OL, Tahlia's "turn" is already over, so that doesn't apply.

"Ending your movement" is not defined in the rules, and I can't fathom what made them think it was a good condition to use for activating encounter markers. The most official clarification we have is from the GLoAQ :

“Ending Movement”
There are many instances where something happened when the Hero “ends movement” on a square. Is the Hero required to stop his turn in order to end his movement, or can a Hero continue movement after the effect is complete.

Ending your movement means just that - not moving any more this turn. If you then move more later on the same turn, you didn't actually end your movement. You can still do other stuff like attack after activating a ? marker, you just can't move any more.

That looks like it's implicitly changing the rules to add a "declare you are done moving" step into every hero's turn, which must be done exactly once per turn (and happens at the end of your turn if it didn't happen earlier), and after which the hero is no longer allowed to continue moving under any circumstances. That's a really bizarre and totally unprecedented rule, and it's bad for the game because it theoretically adds complication to every turn (the quest rules always could do something special when you end movement, even if you're not on an encounter marker) for essentially no benefit (I can't think of any situation where the game wouldn't play at least as smoothly if it triggered when a hero entered the space or when a hero ended his turn). But that's all the info we have to work with, so take it as you will.

duhtch said:

What you should be doing is when you are done moving, then you place your "Guard" order, because if you place it at the beginning, then move, the OL may have a way of damaging you through traps, which would the order if dealt damge.

On the other hand, the overlord may also have a way of forcibly ending your turn without damaging you (e.g. Paralyzing Gas), in which case you still get to make your Guard attack if you already placed the order, but you lose the opportunity if you haven't placed it yet.

Well then either in FFG are complete morons or we are missing something. As you present it then ending your movement can only occur when your turn ends. So for what possible reason there would be a distinction between them? Let say you advance have 4 speed and move 4 squares and have no fatigue even before you decide to attack you have ended your movement either you wanted or not, so ending your movement effects should come in play at that moment. I can see no error in that.

Since alot of things are activated in MANY dungeons by ending your movement it is kinda crucial when exactly that happens. If i have fatigue to spend then my movement is never over even though i declare battle until my turn ends even though i have no intention of moving that seems kinda lame. But i have to agree with antistone that they just did a huge mistake by putting so many things to be activated by ending your movement and not your turn without having them clarify exactly how that works. It's another example of bad wording i guess?

Drglord said:

Well then either in FFG are complete morons or we are missing something. As you present it then ending your movement can only occur when your turn ends.

Um...no. What I said does not even resemble that, and the GLoAQ answer I quoted directly and explicitly contradicts that. I don't have the faintest idea how you could possibly have come away with that impression.

Well it's quite simple since the quote "Ending your movement means just that - not moving any more this turn. If you then move more later on the same turn, you didn't actually end your movement. You can still do other stuff like attack after activating a ? marker, you just can't move any more." means that you and the OL will only know if you finished your move after your turn has ended and have refused to move any further. And as you said i think the only way is to say that i declare that i end my movement and not to move any more. Elsewhere as long as you have fatigue you can always move hence you never really are ending your movement until you declare and end turn. What is so difficult to see in that? Am i missing something?

If a player uses a card that says "at the end of your movement", the hero cannot move anymore, and he cannot use fatigue to move after this. It is simple. Where is the problem?

Simple enough if there was a rule like that. So if you introduce a end of movement action then clearly it becomes simple but that was i asking so when you play you declare both end of my movement and both end of my turn? I find that hard to believe.

We never do it that way, but you could. It'd be way too cumbersome though, since it's rare that ending your movement matters. Instead, if there's something we need to end movement for and we want to end our movement in the middle of a turn so it will happen (typically an encounter marker), then we state we're ending movement. Alternatively, just grab the encounter marker and toss it back in the pile, since everyone knows that means you're ending your movement on it.

There's no need to over-complicate things.

+1 for james then that is what i thought. But still it should be cleared out that it works that way. Anyway some more things to remember when that citadel comes again or for the caves of thuul.