
By leoJ2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If the ferrox does no damage during combat, how do you still bleed? Doesn't this mean you have been damaged?

leoj said:

If the ferrox does no damage during combat, how do you still bleed? Doesn't this mean you have been damaged?

Yeah, it took me a hot minute to figure this one out when we first stated playing. You have to pay attention to what that description of the effect/ability actually says. If it says to apply when receiving "damage", that means that the effect triggers when the figure is hit by an attack that does not miss. Even if the figure is actually receiving zero wounds.

If it says to apply when you are "wounded", it means that if the figure actually removed a wound token, then the effect triggers. Hopefully that helps.

These effects/abilities trigger when a figure is hit with an attack that does not miss even if it receives zero wounds: Bleed, Burn, Daze, Frost, Knockback,Stun, Web. I think that is all of them....

Basically if you deal any damage on the dice without a miss (even if armour negates the wounds) a single bleed token takes effect.

So Even if you the minion deals 2 wounds and the hero has 3 armor the bleed still takes effect.

Well that isn't exactly accurate as if shield or the shadow cloack prevents the wounds you don't get the bleed. You would have to prevent the whole number of wounds though.

Drglord said:

Well that isn't exactly accurate as if shield or the shadow cloack prevents the wounds you don't get the bleed. You would have to prevent the whole number of wounds though.

Shields cancel wounds (the health you lose, after armor is subtracted), not damage (the power of the attack). They do not block Bleed under any circumstances. Similarly, the Tunic, Cloak of Deception, etc. only block wounds; they will never stop you from receiving a Bleed token, though they can reduce the wounds suffered when you roll for the Bleed on your next turn.

Shadowcloak is an ability from AoD that makes you immune to attacks that originate from more than 1 space away. That would, in fact, prevent Bleed...if a Ferrox was somehow attacking you without being adjacent.

Antistone said:

Drglord said:

Well that isn't exactly accurate as if shield or the shadow cloack prevents the wounds you don't get the bleed. You would have to prevent the whole number of wounds though.

Shields cancel wounds (the health you lose, after armor is subtracted), not damage (the power of the attack). They do not block Bleed under any circumstances. Similarly, the Tunic, Cloak of Deception, etc. only block wounds; they will never stop you from receiving a Bleed token, though they can reduce the wounds suffered when you roll for the Bleed on your next turn.

Shadowcloak is an ability from AoD that makes you immune to attacks that originate from more than 1 space away. That would, in fact, prevent Bleed...if a Ferrox was somehow attacking you without being adjacent.

Thanks for clearing that up Anti. I just read this and couldn't make sense out of what he was saying after consulting the rule book. The way you explained it is how I've been playing it, good to know we weren't doing it wrong. cool.gif

Guess i am wrong about that. It's easy to get mixed up with the non constitent writing of FFG. Anyway good know that it can't happen even though it never came in play.