Road To Legend Conquest Tokens.

By iroberts007, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Can someone please breakdown all the ways Conquest tokens can be earned by heroes and also by the Overlord in Road to Legend. Im about to start my first campaign and I feel that we're going to forget something.

Also.. When the Rules say 100 gold and 2 conquest tokens are given to the heroes for killing a leader they mean 100 gold added to the party treasury (pool) and 2 conquest tokens for each of the 4 heroes right?

All heroes conquest token totals should always be the same right?

iroberts007 said:

Can someone please breakdown all the ways Conquest tokens can be earned by heroes and also by the Overlord in Road to Legend. Im about to start my first campaign and I feel that we're going to forget something.

Heroes: activating glyphs, killing dungeon level/encounter leaders or lieutenants, finding no treasure in chests, some rare special ways (one rumor, maybe something else?).

OverLord: killing heroes, time passing (1 conquest/week +1 for each razed city), a special plot feature (Ascension). Indirectly, putting curse tokens on heroes (cursed equipment, Master Dark Priests) also gives conquest later if they don't play with dolls.

iroberts007 said:

Also.. When the Rules say 100 gold and 2 conquest tokens are given to the heroes for killing a leader they mean 100 gold added to the party treasury (pool) and 2 conquest tokens for each of the 4 heroes right?

All heroes conquest token totals should always be the same right?

100 gold for the party treasury for killing a leader is right, but 2 conquest for each of the heroes is wrong. The party gets 2 conquest as a whole, and each hero gets 2 XP.

Each hero always gains XP equal to the conquest earned by the party, which they may later spend on upgrades. The team's Conquest is never spent and always goes up as the campaign progresses; the heroes' individual XPs are spent on upgrades and go up and down as the campaign progresses.

Ispher said:

Heroes: activating glyphs, killing dungeon level/encounter leaders or lieutenants, finding no treasure in chests, some rare special ways (one rumor, maybe something else?).

Discovering any given dungeon location for the first time earns 1 CT. Other than that I think you got em all.

Ispher said:

OverLord: killing heroes, time passing (1 conquest/week +1 for each razed city), a special plot feature (Ascension). Indirectly, putting curse tokens on heroes (cursed equipment, Master Dark Priests) also gives conquest later if they don't play with dolls.

Doesn't the actual razing of a city award 5CT immediately, or is that just my imagination? Even if not, there's one LT who grants bonus CT for razing a city (Demon Prince's lackey, IIRC.)

Ispher said:

Each hero always gains XP equal to the conquest earned by the party, which they may later spend on upgrades. The team's Conquest is never spent and always goes up as the campaign progresses; the heroes' individual XPs are spent on upgrades and go up and down as the campaign progresses.

+1. CT != XP, this is something that a lot of people get messed up when they first play AC games. CT is a metric that measures each side's collective progress towards the end goal of the campaign. It never goes down, just the other side goes up. Each hero earns individual XP equal to the amount of CT gained, but CT is a single pool for the whole party.

i have complied this list on my Mobile Quick Refrence Guide

Heroes Recieve Conquest points When:
* If the heroes end their movement in a dungeon area, they receive one conquest token if they’ve never been to that area before.
* 0 + (1 if no blank power dice were rolled) opening a chest
* activating a glyph 3 conquests tokens
* Heroes receive 100 coins and 2 conquest tokens for killing a dungeon level leader.
* Heroes receive 250 coins and 4 conquest tokens for killing a dungeon Master level leader (located on the final Level).

Overlord Recieves Conquest Points when:
* during each game week, one conquest token, plus an additional conquest token for each city he has razed.
* death of a hero, equal to heroes conquest value
* cycleing throught the OL deck in a dungeon. 3 conquest pts

I have a weird question though. What happens if there are more than 1 leaders on the 3rd level?

1st) You get 4 CT and 250 for each one

2nd) You get 2 CT and 100 for the first or first ones and you only get 4 CT for the very last you kill

What about caverns of Thull? In the faq it mentions you only get 4 CT for the very last level of the dungeon and specifically says that in the case of legendarys that may well mean the 4th level. So the caves have 3 leaders that are specifically worth 2 CT as per the quest guide. So what happens? You get 2 CT for each one? Or do you get 4CT for the very last dragon?

For Each Named Monsters you get the conquest and coins, unless the quest specifically says otherwise.

Okay so what if i get trial by fire in the 3rd dungeon? Do i get 4 CT for each leader (the dungeon has 3 leaders)

Anyone named in the Leader/Leaders section of the card counts as a leader for reward purposes. So for Trial by Fire each of the three leaders earns you the conquest. If it happens to be the third level of the dungeon that means 4 conquest and 250 gold for each leader kill.

It is important to note that occasionally figures are named without being leaders (there may only be the one example) such as the Garden of Grazius (?)

What about the jester in the throne room which is a simple beastman lying there waiting to be slaughtered? Is he a leader? I mean he should be since he is in the leaders section.

You mean Mim the Jester? A normal Beastman with speed 8 and the equivalent of Acrobat? He's named in the Leader text and sounds like a Leader to me.

If he's waiting around to be killed I'd have to say that the OL is wasting Mim's potential. gran_risa.gif

What potential? The heroes open the door and then kill him. There is nothing the OL can do about that...

Drglord said:

What potential? The heroes open the door and then kill him. There is nothing the OL can do about that...

Is it a separate area? (I don't have access to my quest guide to check right now.) Remember that in RtL only doors with triangular ends denote a new area, a door with square ends is just a door and both sides are revealed as one area. If Mim is hiding behind a square-knobbed door then he will be active before the heroes open the door and he can go someplace else.

Even if it is a new area and Mim has relatively little chance of surviving long enough to do anything after he gets placed on the map, it is important to remember that not all dungeon levels are created equal. Some are really hard for the heroes, others are really easy. If the heroes luck out and draw a 3 leader dungeon on the last level, they got lucky and will be scoring extra CT this time (assuming they're geared to survive it) For every Mim the Jester that the heroes slaughter without a second glance, there's also that demon guy who eats copper heroes for breakfast (I forget his name.) Such is the nature of the game.

Tactics play an important part, but sometimes dumb luck still prevails.

The layout of that area is such that the Jester cannot do anything except die unless the OL has traps to stop the heroes and/or gets very lucky. He's basically free loot.

Also, this:

"If it happens to be the third level of the dungeon that means 4 conquest and 250 gold for each leader kill."

should be:

"If it happens to be the last level of the dungeon that means 4 conquest and 250 gold for each leader kill."

Usually 3rd == last, but not always.

James McMurray said:

Also, this:

"If it happens to be the third level of the dungeon that means 4 conquest and 250 gold for each leader kill."

should be:

"If it happens to be the last level of the dungeon that means 4 conquest and 250 gold for each leader kill."

Usually 3rd == last, but not always.

Quite true. +1

+1 for me then as i said no potential at all just free loot in any case.

Drglord said:

+1 for me then as i said no potential at all just free loot in any case.

I was +1 to the correction on last versus third when it comes to additional conquest. Have not yet managed to look at the specific dungeon level at all.