Hi people, I've just gotten this game and starting to play. Descent strikes me as a very entertaining game, as long as things keep being challenging for both sides. There's dice and there's card-drawing, and its all good cause there is a lot of that!
But I do have one major concern - the character/skill combinations. This is the only random even that can have permanent effect on a game session, and it is really quite important that this choise is balanced! If the heroes get too good or too sucky combinations, the game can become unbeatable for either side.
So my question is this; what is generally considered a fair combination? When is a redraw warrented?
An example: In a test game I, as overlord, was up agains 20hp 5armour hero wielding a shield.... =) while the other hero "only" had 16hp and 4armour. I only managed to kill that one once, but they had accumulated about 10 conquest at this time. Other combinations of heroes, for example two of the weaker magic users, would have been just as boring giving the heroes no chance whatsoerver.
How do you guys play it?