My question is this, how much power do the acolytes have? By power, I don't mean physical power, as that is pretty clear after running a short adventure with them. I am talking about their influence over the world.
I have just started running DH with a few of my friends and I started them off with Shattered Hope. As soon as the players set foot on Sepheris Secundus they walked around like they owned the place, flashing their Inquisitorial Seals to everyone and commandeering people around. They even suspected the Commisar of heresy and had him confined to the hab block, and requisitioned as much weapons and explosives they could from the quartermaster.
When seargent Raynard started mouthing off to them they all but put a bullet in his head, but stayed their hands and instead ordered him to send a squad of guardsmen down the mine with them.
This might sound very bad, but I feel I handled it well enough. Sure, I gave them a squad of guardsmen, but I made sure they were killed in quick succession after producing a bit more mutants for the group to handle, and I had the quartemaster tell them he only had 10 grenades (though I suspect an Imperial Guard qaurtermaster must have an enourmos stock of weapons, my poor knowledge of the 40k universe not withstanding).
I have agreed to run another adventure for them this weekend. I haven't read it yet, but I think I'll go with Edge of Darkness since many seem to like that one. I understand it deals with a lot of investigation and whatnot, so I naturally worry my players will be top blunt in their ventures. What's to stop them from commandeering the planet governmor into giving them whatever they can think of?