1st attempt, let me know.
1st attempt, let me know.
Well they're pretty much just stock investigators with new pictures. Perhaps try giving them more unique abilities?
Personally, I think they're great. A special monster cup full of different types of Ghosts and a Zuul Ancient One would fill the selection out.
(It probably helps that our last role-playing session was Ghostbusters and a certain C.D. Mooge of Mooge and Scrarley Exports hired us two catch three ghosts. When us can you say "I'll run over the Ghost of Chirstmas Future in the Porsche!")
How about a containment trap for each Ghostbuster? When a monster appears in your location (whether as a result of an encounter or monster movement) you may spend clue tokens equal to the monsters toughness to trap it. (no horror check).
The containment trap would then be exhausted and can only be refresh at Ghostbusters HQ (the Police Station seems to be the most appropriate for this).
In addition, I'm thinking that the containment trap uses 1 hand until it is refreshed.
Also, I think it would be appropriate for each Ghostbuster to have +4 to all horror checks against ghosts. "I aint afraid of no ghosts"
I like the goal of this, obviously GB draws a lot from Lovecraft.
I agree that there should be traps as well as proton packs. There should be more than 4 trap cards, I'd say 8. To use, you'd have to pass an evade check against a monster, then pass a fight check with the trap. If you pass an evade check but try the trap and fail, the monster gets an attack. Exhaust the trap. If you succeed, exhaust the trap. Be delayed if you want to empty the trap. Monsters emptied are trophies.
I like Raymond, that looks like a well balanced skill set to me, except I think his luck is low.
For Egon, I feel like you missed a bit. I think he would have more lore and luck, but less speed. He would also have more focus. He is the one who typically discovers where the monsters are in a methodical way. So I'd be more inclined to have something like:
Scientific Insight
If Egon is on an unstable location in the Mythos phase, if a gate opens it comes to his location. If any monsters are in a street near his location at the end of Mythos, they move to his location.
Egon automatically passes all sanity checks on any monster that is not nightmarish.
Peter looks good, I kind of want him to have some kind of fast-talking ability, like being able to go to closed locations, not getting arrested or not having to roll to get out of jail (but he can't be the deputy), or maybe he confuses the ancient old one thereby giving the investigators the automatic first attack.
First off, you have given him infinite focus, so there should be an infinity symbol there instead of a 3. Otherwise, i think I like his attributes. Although I wonder if odd jobs makes for a less interesting story for him. Maybe make that only be at stable locations?
Proton pack
These don't really kill monsters, they guide them to traps, and effect the stability of metaphysical things, right? So maybe instead, a proton pack lets you automatically close a gate (not seal it), but you don't get to keep the trophy. Then, if there are 4 proton packs in play when the AO arrives, no matter what (even if the card says everyone is automatically devoured) the 4 investigators get one chance to completely wipe the AO out. They each roll one die, and if they all roll the same number, the AO is sent out of this dimension. If they fail, the packs burn out and are useless.
I feel like this should somehow be in there. Maybe if you're lost in time and space, when you return you could choose to be slimed. Slime would reduce all of your skill dice by 1, no matter what the check is, and would work like a curse in that you need to roll during upkeep to get rid of it. But it should be easier to get rid of, so how about 1-3 to get rid of. You have to have it for at least one full turn.
Great job!Once I get more skilled with the basic game I am totally going to use this. Thanks!