Roxas' Trade thread *closed*

By Roxas_Lawliet, in Agrabah Bazaar

Set 1:Core Set
Aladdin lvl 3
Ariel lvl 1
Ariel lvl 2
Ariel lvl 3
Simba lvl 2
Simba lvl 3 x2
Simba lvl 4 x2
Genie lvl 4
Bambi lvl 4
Tink lvl 2
OathKeeper x2
Wight Knight x2
Wizard x3
Wyvern x3
Wonderland lvl 2 x3
Deep Jungle lvl 2 x3
Agrabah lvl 2 x1

Super Rares:
Sora lvl 1
Sora lvl 2 x2
Sora lvl 3
Don lvl 1
Don lvl 2
Don lvl 3 x2
Goofy lvl 1
Goofy lvl 2
Goofy lvl 3
Aladdin lvl 1
Aladdin lvl 2
Aladdin lvl 3
Ariel lvl 1
Ariel lvl 2
Ariel lvl 3
Simba lvl 2
Simba lvl 3
Simba lvl 4 x2
Genie lvl 2
Genie lvl 3
Genie lvl 4
Bambi lvl 2
Bambi lvl 3
Bambi lvl 4
Dumbo lvl 2
Dumbo lvl 3
Tinker Bell lvl 2

Set 2: A Darkness Awakened

Riku lvl 3 x3
Donald lvl 4 x2
Goofy lvl 4 x1

Jack lvl 3 x2
Sally x4
Beast lvl 3 x3
Pan lvl 3 x4
King Triton x1
Winnie The pooh lvl 0 x3
Yuffie x3
Leon x2
Mushu lvl4
Tinker Bell lvl 3
Tinker Bell lvl 4 x4
Graviga x5
Stopga x2
Soul Eater x3 NOTE: will be very hard to get off me, since it's they are signed by Mr.Dawn
Pot Spider x2
Stealth Sneak x3
AquaTank x2
Behemoth x1
Parasite Cage x1
Destiny Islands x1
Olympus Coliseum lvl 2 x3
Halloween Town lvl 2 x2
Hundred Acre Wood x2
End of the World x3

Super Rares: note, SRU's are already listed
Riku lvl 3 x3
Jack lvl 3 x1
Sally x2
Beast lvl 1
Beast lvl 2
Beast lvl 3
Herc lvl 1 x3
Herc lvl 2
Herc lvl 3 x2
Pan lvl 1
Pan lvl 2 x2
Pan lvl 3
Winnie The pooh x2
Leon x2
Dumbo lvl 4 x4
Tinker Bell lvl 3 x3
Tinker Bell lvl 4 x2
Parasite Cage x1
Queen of Hearts x2
Hades x2
Clayton x2
Oogie Boogie
Captain Hook x2
Maleficent x3

Set 3: Light and Darkness

Dark Riku x2
Kairi x2
Aladdin lvl 4 x2
Fairy godmother
Chesire cat x2
Jasmine x2
Pinnochio x3
Winniet he pooh x2
Tinkerbell lvl0
Aeroga x2
Cresendo x2
Trickmaster x3
Dragon Maleficent
Agrabahl vl1 x2
Agrabah lvl3 x2
Monstro lvl2 x2
Neverland lvl2 x2

Fairy Godmother
Dark Riku
Aladdin lvl 4
Chesire Cat
Jasmine x2
Winnie the Pooh lvl 1 x2
Tinker Bell lvl 0
Aeroga x2
Lord Fortune
Agrabah lvl 1 x2
Agrabah lvl 3
Monstro lvl 2 x2 (though one has a coloring issue)
Neverland lvl 2 x2

Promos Foil
Tigger x2
Riku x2
MerSora x3
Tink x3
Xmas Sora x3
Cid x2
Simba x5
Daisy x3

Promos non-foil
Riku x3
MerSora x3
Tink x3
Cid x3
Simba x3

Note: Commons and Uncommons just Ask, Yes I have extra Bambi lvl 3's and Oblivions.


Your favorite card signed!
Simba lvl 3 SR x1
Owl SR x1
Bambi lvl 3 SR x1
Agrabah lvl 2 x2
Firaga x1
Destiny Islands x2
Behemoth SR x1

I reserve the right to not trade with any person/s for any paticular reason and I will not answer why under any circumstance.

Hey Roxas I do need a Soul Eater, but if it's going to be a pain in the butt to get I might have to make do. Is there anything you would want that you see in my trade thread?

I want "The King".... what's it going to take?


Can you look in my trades?

Are you A mod anymore roxas?

Hay Roxas... This is Jaderabbit from the other forum.. lol. The target by my house finaly got packs in so I bought a few.. Any way .. I was wondering if you would trade your extra King for my Ultima Weapon? Thanks for looking

One little question aswell, I pulled a holo Kairi.. Does that mean its not worth anything, wasnt there like an error and you can't play it?

To answer your first question about the trade, I would yes.

And holo Kairi? do you mean the promo one or the one from the set? there is a Kairi in the Set 3 as well as the promo

Oh, about the Kairi. It's from the 3rd set and super rare.. So its not very sought out then, hmm. And about the trade Your Email is correct? Ill send a message now.

I recieved your Email, thanks.

I need your King, and I have an Ultima Weapon for trade so check my trade thread for what you might want to trade for it.

That wouldn't happen to be my King everyone wants...hmmm? *nudge nudge*

no, I have 3. I got my hands on a third one.

Kiro13 - no thanks, already traded it

What would you want for the king? Check my trade list in my sig.

Also, does anybody know if Fantasy Flight Games will be giving out Sora promo lvl 2, or was GenCon the only way to ever get it.

I already traded my king, and you had nothing I was really interested in.
About the Sora lvl 2, I have no idea.

Oh well...thanks anyway.

Edited my post with more Wants!

NVM...I thought you signed the cards, I jsut reread it, and it says OUR favorite cards signed...srry.

would you trade ansem for

simba lvl3


agrabah lvl2X2

If I get an extra one I will

I have

Simba lvl 3 SR
Agrabah lvl 2
and Maybe a Destiny Island
and, if you want, my Riku lvl 3 R signed.

I am Interested in your

SRU King Trition
SRU Goofy lvl 4
and any of my other wants to finish off my binder.

We might be able to work something out for a Goofy lvl 4

Roxas_Lawliet said:

We might be able to work something out for a Goofy lvl 4

Signed R Riku lvl 3 + SR Simba lvl 3 + R Firaga + R Agrabah lvl 2


Goofy lvl 4?

If it's completely nessecary I can throw in Destiny Island but I only have three that are in my deck and the one foil in my book that I would like to keep.

I'll be updating my list soon so keep your eyes open in case you see something you would like.

can i instead get

Chesire Cat
and wendy for some cards?

i have



i want your donald SR 3

I assume the rare counterparts? That's fine with me.