Sleeving Unit cards

By Jonny WS, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

So, with the unit cards being a odd-ball shape compared to every other game, I was wondering how the rest of the players of this game have sleeved these cards.

Any ideas?

The unit cards are too wide for most ccg card protectors. They are also the most commonly shuffled of all the card decks in civ.

I have some old ccg protectors that are just enough wider that the cards will fit. Unfortunately I only have 50 of those and there are 53 civ unit cards.

If I can find more of the wider protectors, that would solve the problem

Jonny WS said:

So, with the unit cards being a odd-ball shape compared to every other game, I was wondering how the rest of the players of this game have sleeved these cards.

Any ideas?

I bought these sleeves and they were the perfect width. I used a cutter to trim it down to the correct length (and made sure to mark where the edge of the sleeve was on the cutter for consistency). After doing that, it's like these sleeves were made specifically for the unit cards!

This is what I did, although I used a cutting board, scalpel and ruler. It DID take some time but well worth the effort imho.

I bought Ultra Pro's 67 x 94 mm (approx. 2.64 x 3.7") Softsleeves. Advantage: Thin and thus doesn't build too much extra space. Disadvantage: Thin and thus is slightly easier to break. Also slightly slippery.

Ultra Pro now does some 69x69mm sleeves that work perfectly

Better late than never i suppose. Go UltraPro! :)

Can these be stocked in the Fantasy Flight Games Event Center, or maybe have the opportunity to be ordered?

Of course, if there is a Fantasy Flight sleeve that they are making, would purchase that first of course.