Another bunch of questions

By hobbit3, in Middle-earth Quest

Hello there, sorry if this was already asked, but while playing our first game of MEQ we scratched our heads over the following (probably due to confusion with other games' usual rules):

1. If there are 2 monsters in the location and one of them is defeated by the hero either in the Ambush or Combat stage, what happens to the other monster? Should the hero fight it immediately (like in Arkham)? If not, what happens?

2. If the Event card affects the region with no heroes in it, will it's text be resolved? i.e. do you need a hero in the region affected by the card text for this text to be activated?

3. If, when drawing 3 Encounter cards, there's only one card you can play in your location but it has the highest value, is it played or all 3 are discarded?

Thanks in advance.

Hobbit said:

1. If there are 2 monsters in the location and one of them is defeated by the hero either in the Ambush or Combat stage, what happens to the other monster? Should the hero fight it immediately (like in Arkham)? If not, what happens?

2. If the Event card affects the region with no heroes in it, will it's text be resolved? i.e. do you need a hero in the region affected by the card text for this text to be activated?

3. If, when drawing 3 Encounter cards, there's only one card you can play in your location but it has the highest value, is it played or all 3 are discarded?

#1: When a Hero enters or is in a location with 2 monsters (or 1 monster, 1 minion), Sauron chooses which one of the two the hero faces (during the Travel step another option might be Peril). The other remains in place, hero doesn't deal with it for now.

#2: Events happen regardless of where the heroes are (can't recall if there are exceptions).

#3: You resolve the card that can be played in your location. If more than one is applicable, then play the lowest number. Number is only used as the deciding factor when you have more than one card that could be resolved.

"He then resolves the card with the lowest priority number
that also affects his location. The other two cards are discarded
faceup adjacent to the Encounter deck.

Note that if two or more Encounter cards are drawn, all of
which match the hero’s current location, the lowest priority
number Encounter card is still the one that is resolved." (p. 24)

Dam, thanx a whole lot :)

1. Then, as I understand, if the hero doesn't deal with the 2nd monster/minion at once, he may then continue his turn as usual? And if the hero wishes to fight the next monster he must stay in the location for the next turn, right? (though even then Sau may choose not to fight)

2. So, in case of the card, which reads, for instance, "The heroes may remove 3 influence/monsters from any location in Eriador or place 1 favor in Shire" ("The Dunadan guards the Shire" card) the inflence may be removed even if there is NO hero anywhere in Eriador?

Thanx again.

Hobbit said:

1. Then, as I understand, if the hero doesn't deal with the 2nd monster/minion at once, he may then continue his turn as usual? And if the hero wishes to fight the next monster he must stay in the location for the next turn, right? (though even then Sau may choose not to fight)

2. So, in case of the card, which reads, for instance, "The heroes may remove 3 influence/monsters from any location in Eriador or place 1 favor in Shire" ("The Dunadan guards the Shire" card) the inflence may be removed even if there is NO hero anywhere in Eriador?

#1: Yes, Hero basically ignores the other monster. Which might be a bad thing, if your Mission is to keep the # of monsters down. But you can always step away and then step back to that location to face the second monster (unless it's a Perilous location, giving Sauron that option). IIRC (at work, can't check), Ambush happens if the Hero is in a location with a monster/minion, Sauron only gets to choose which one fights (if more than one). Only places where an Ambush combat is optional are Havens, where the Hero can choose whether to get into combat or not (with minion only, since no monsters can be at Havens).

#2: Yes. In this instance, it is not related to anything the heroes do (directly), the benefits come from having the Dunadan guard the Shire, tied in thematically with the card in question. Dunadan are keeping an eye out for Sauron's forces, so his influence goes down or a favor is placed.

Dam, thanks again, you really helped :)

Today during the game we had a situation when both Beravor and the Nazgul were defeated in battle against each other, so were we right to resolve both "defeated monster / minion" and "defeated hero" variants of battle resolution?

One more question (a dumb one probably) - is it possible to retreat in combat? If yes, how?

Hobbit said:

One more question (a dumb one probably) - is it possible to retreat in combat? If yes, how?

Be Eleanor and successfully play Retreat card cool.gif . That's the only way, otherwise you're in it for the long haul. Didn't check the Training deck, but memory doesn't seem to conjure up any retreat cards in there.

I mean, come on, you're a Hero, retreating isn't for heroes lengua.gif .

Dam, I thought so too, but deep in my soul I'm still a hobbit and sometimes need a hole to hide in :) Anyway, it's not that scary for the heroes to be defeated in the game.

Dam, need your help once again :) Yesterday we disagreed upon the "complete the quest" option in the Explore step. The question is: say, I have drawn a quest which says "Explore Near Harad". So, when I reach Near Harad - do we first accomplish other Explore options (like gain favor etc) in order for the quest to be considered completed, OR is the quest complition automatic when you reach the stated location (provided no combat / peril step occurred)? Esp in the location where there are no other Explore options possible (no favor, no plot, no characters etc).

And one more thing: I found the following statement in the forums "There are 2 terms to pay attention to: adjacent: every location connected to the current location, BUT current location does not count; Within X space: every location within X of current space, AND including current space" ©. Where is the latter stated in the rules?

Thanx again.

Hobbit said:

Dam, need your help once again :) Yesterday we disagreed upon the "complete the quest" option in the Explore step. The question is: say, I have drawn a quest which says "Explore Near Harad". So, when I reach Near Harad - do we first accomplish other Explore options (like gain favor etc) in order for the quest to be considered completed, OR is the quest complition automatic when you reach the stated location (provided no combat / peril step occurred)? Esp in the location where there are no other Explore options possible (no favor, no plot, no characters etc).

If the Quest just says Explore NH, then you complete it when you pick the complete quest action during the Explore step, which can be before or after any of the other options that might be open to you (if there is Favor there, could pick that up first or after the completing the quest). All the options in the Explore step are optional, it doesn't matter if complete Quest is the only thing you can do, you still need to pick that option. If your turn ends before the Explore step, even if you reach the location (say fight or peril -> corruption), then the quest isn't complete. Most of the time it is automatic as such, if there are no hazards to contend with. Key point is this:

"Whenever a hero explores, he may
do any or all of the following in any order" (p. 24)

Dam, thanx again :)