ANIMA: Tactics will be again making an appearance at the 29th ARCANACON . For all those who don't know Arcanacon is, it is one of Melbourne's largest RP and Wargaming conventions and is held over 4 days in January from Thursday the 20th until Sunday the 23th at the Collingwoord Education Center..
If you would like to see some information on the con visit
From when the doors open until late I will be running demonstrations and hosting games any of those attending the Con are welcome to come on over and have a go at the game either during on of the scheduled gaming breaks or during any time you might not have other events scheduled. A demonstration of Anima takes about 30 minutes so its a good activity to trial while waiting for something to start or to relax as the rules are easy to grasp.
Last year the Conventions doors opened around11am with events starting at Noon and we were located in the main registration hall along with a couple of traders and various event staff and are likely to be in the same location again.
So if your in Melbourne around Australia Day take this chance to come and play a game or two and have some fun.
- Raith
Free Agent 005