Confused New Player :(

By CptProletariat, in CoC General Discussion

I've recently gotten into Lovecraft and decided to give the Cthulhu card game a shot. However, when I looked it up, I became increasingly confused! It seems like the game was originally released a few years ago and is now being rebooted? If this is true, is it worth getting the older booster boxes or should I just start with the brand new core set and go from there? I'm not against getting the older game if that was better, but if the new "standard" is going to be this newer one, I would rather go down that route. Thanks in advance for your help!

The new game is the same as the old one. The only difference is that there are no random boosters anymore, they come as complete mini sets.

I recommend picking up the older cards if you can to complement the new cards, espcially sets such as Masks of Nyarlathotep and Forbidden Relics but any would be a good investment for your collection.


I would recommend new releases LCG, and invest in CCG releases later. It is still unsure if FFG restricts older cards, so if you do not plan Draft Games - LCG packs looks wiser.

BTW I recommend to buy big core box. It looks really excellent.

A word of caution though, the older boosters and random sets have different card backings, meaning you'll need sleeves to play with them. The last two asylum packs, Mountains of Madness and Ancient Horrors are consistent with the new core set.

It looks like a lot of the old cards will be reprinted in some form in the new format, anyway.