Need specific clarification on treasures found in chests

By phloyd114, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark FAQ Update Discussions

Playing RTL with all expansions (except SoD), we are having a conflict in the interpretation of how many treasures can be found in a chest, and how they would be distributed amongst the party.

From the original rules page 18:

Copper Treasure: Each hero draws one card from the
copper treasure deck and may either keep it or immediately
discard it and receive its money value instead.

Also from the Faq Page 4:

Q: On page 18, the rules for “Copper Treasure” state
that “each Hero draws one card from the copper treasure
deck.” If a chest has 2 copper treasure tokens, does each
hero draw 2 copper treasure cards?
A: Yes.

In the rules for RTL, the only mentioned is on page 17:

Treasures are drawn from the listed treasure
deck as normal.

From this (and having found no other restrictions), I read it as any time a chest contains a treasure, that ALL heroes are entitled to draw from the appropriate deck. However, in the forum, I have found conflicting answer, though most commonly stating that there would only be a single treasure for each blank roll, and NO LONGER permitting the heroes to draw one each individually.

First question: When a treasure is contained in chest, how many draws from teh treasure are permitted (please if your answer is to state that only one item per blank roll, and NOT one draw per hero - provide a reference to the rules andor FAQ where this is derived from)?

Second question: If treasures are found in a chest, can the hero which opened the chest transfer any items found to other heroes without consideration for being adjacent, or even movement (rule references below)?

Original rules page 18:

During his turn, a hero may give items to heroes in
adjacent spaces at the cost of one movement point per
token or card given.

Also, from RTL page 17:

Potions and items discovered in chests are divided among the
heroes as the hero players wish.

If I were to give my opinion from the rules and FAQ, I see it as the heroes each being able to draw for treasure, when one is allocated in a chest, but they cannot simply "teleport" these newly received items, but instead must use normal movement rules once such treasures are obtained. I could be wrong after reading some things in this forum, but I haven't found a rule or FAQ that supports any other interpretation.

In the advanced campaign the party receives one treasure for each blank rolled out of the four dice. One treasure, not one per party member.

The party as a group decides where to allocate potions and treasures they find. They do not need to be adjacent to do it after opening a chest. In order to transfer items around any other time they must be adjacent (or considered adjacent like when they are in town or on the overland map)

Additionally, this should be a question in the regular forum rather than the FAQ update discussions forum.

Please reserve these types of questions to the main forum.

In truth i can see this being more complicate question. With every blank you get 1 treasure and you can give it to anyone you want as per the rules state. What happens when dark relic comes in play? Who gets dark relic then? Since the OL must play it before he sees the treasure hence before anyone knows who will get the treasure? That has been bugging me. The only solution is that everyone rolls one dice for a treasure and the one that rolls the blank gets the dark relic but that gets in the way of the rules that state that the heroes distribute treasure as they see fit.