Music suggestion?

By Galdred, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

AllenVanDaele said:

One I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned yet for combat scenes is Bolt Thrower's "Realm of Chaos" album. A classic, with art by Games Workshop, and all of it 40K themed.

Bolt Thrower goes without saying... gui%C3%B1o.gif


For techmarines and other Mars affiliates this one is like - wow:


I'm a big fan of the Beowulf (Beowulf slays the beast), Class of the Titans (Release the Kraken and You can't hide from Hades) and King Arthur (Woad to ruin and Do you think I'm Saxon?) sound tracks as backdrops to epic action in Deathwatch.

Also big fan of Epic Score, A band that writes 3min songs that are in video game and movie trailers. Distorted Vol 1. is great background session music for 40k and vol.1 of Epic action and adventure has everything from combat to chase music on it.

Video game soundtracks can be a bit hit and miss but Mass Effect 2's and Dragon Age: Origins are pretty good IMO.

I have also just downloaded the Conan and Dune soundtracks based on people in this thread recommendations, Have to say they're pretty darn good. *doffs cap*

As mentioned the Dawn of War 2 soundtrack is pretty much perfect.

Otherwise I'd suggest some Front Line Assembly and VNV Nation.

For FLA I'd go with their album Implode.

For VNV I'd go with their older stuff, which is a bit more fitting. Praise the Fallen and Empires are both excellent albums.

the music from Neon Genesis Evangelion the rebuild movies. You are not alone and You can not advance. Look up on Youtube Angel of Doom. Yeah look up "you are not alone. Angel of doom"

While this may seem crazy at first, I recommend some Templar Chant (yes, there are recordings of performances of this, have and use some for Deathwatch) for non-combat. I recommend that you put some thing together yourself for the rest of the time (I do have ideas and will post).

daggerbackstabsmullyan said:

While this may seem crazy at first, I recommend some Templar Chant (yes, there are recordings of performances of this, have and use some for Deathwatch) for non-combat. I recommend that you put some thing together yourself for the rest of the time (I do have ideas and will post).

Agreed. "Gregorian chant" is the term I have been googling for, btw. And the idea is not crazy at all but very fitting.
