When will Descent be reprinted again, I have been trying to attain a copy now for months!?

By flyingcircus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

As the header says; WHEN!!!!!!!!

I'm wondering the same thing. I ordered a copy online not realizing that it was on backorder as well as "between print runs". The last update on FFG for this game says it's "on the boat" (11/15/2010) or in other words coming to their warehouse. That was nearly a month ago! That is one really, really slow boat.... If this is the case. How much longer until it gets to their warehouse and they decide to send them to suppliers? I'm just venting, but it is either not updated on the site or they are using a trireme to get their product to their warehouse...

Haha oh well, just excited to get it so time seems to be moving slower than it actaully is.

All my attempts to ****** one on ebay failed! I almost gave up until I took a long trip to the only game store in my area, which is about 48 miles away and low and behold, they had a copy of it sitting on the shelf brand spankin' new, I bought it up right then and ran back home and played that night, we had a blast and are going to break it out and finish our dungeon crawl were we left off tonight! YEAHHHHHH!

Now to grab a few expansions!

Lucky you. The nearest FLGS to where I live (One that stocks this game) is 240 miles away. Which in terms of gas money means this game would cost 150+ instead of just 90... Haha oh well. I'll get it eventually. Hopefully my wife will be as willing to play the OL as she says she is now when I actually get it... ;P

Our local game perserve has one in stock, i bet they could mail it to you. (bloomington indiana) im sure you could google their number.

When will FFG reprint the core set? I think they should either give us a general date, or just tell us they canceled it. At least give us an idea....please?

Yeah it's a bummer when that happens and places like sellers on amazon and ebay overcharge for it hoping to find a sucker willing to pay almost 200$ for a 80 something dollar game.

I bought my copy for 45$ on ebay in the fall, glad I did. Good luck finding your copy, might be better to wait when the holiday season is over if FFG still hasnt reprinted when people have less opportunity to get away with being greedy.

Cool stuff inc just had 20 in stock as of dec 16th from their new shipment. They are already back to out of stock....

You always have the option of driving down to Minnesota, which never seems to run out of stock. Check either the Event Center in Roseville or the Mall of America (it's really only cool the first time you see it). Ah the benefits of living in the Midwest...

I found an online store with it in stock, but I don't know if it is a reprint. I figured it wasn't, and I wanted the 'updated' version. Besides, I'm going to get Runewars instead. Should I?

TheShadow said:

I found an online store with it in stock, but I don't know if it is a reprint. I figured it wasn't, and I wanted the 'updated' version. Besides, I'm going to get Runewars instead. Should I?

The base game of Descent has sold out and been reprinted several times since it was first released. The typoes that have been corrected in the reprint were found and fixed before the first reprint was issued. In theory it's possible that a few of the original print run boxes are still floating around unsold, but it's highly unlikely. Unless you're buying a previously used copy from some second-hand market I'd say the odds of you getting the non-updated version are very small.

To my knowledge there have been no "secondary updates." The reprint only includes errata that are flat out wrong - 25gp for a vitality potion when it should be 50, etc - it doesn't rewrite the whole book to account for FAQ rulings and such.

Runewars is also a good game, although entirely different from Descent. It's a question of what kind of game you want to play - tactical dungeon brawl or strategic territory control. The folks over in the Runewars forum can certainly give you a more detailed understanding of how that game plays.

There are 2 in stock on Amazon.com as of 1/18/11.