New mission and map editor

By Toxic_Rat, in Tide of Iron

Hi all,

I am currently working on a new mission/map editor for ToI. Actually, it's a conversion project from an existing map building program that I have developed, but since that one uses squares, and ToI is hexes, there is some reworking under the hood that has to take place. The mapping program is called pymapper, if anyone is interested in seeing what it does now. This is an independent, open source project, so FFG is not officially involved.

As I'm working on this, I'd like to know what features you would like to see in the editor. Can't guarantee all of them, but a wishlist would be good to have so I know where to put development time.

Pymapper can be seen/downloaded at

cool so how do we use it???

The original worked pretty good, so I wouldn't change that much. Sure, one can make it a little bit more user friendly, but gamers are smart, they can figure things out. So I wouldn't make a lot of changes.

My wishlist:

1) That it runs on ubuntu :)