From the Leap rules... "Leaps cannot pass through walls or closed doors, and they must end on an empty space."
Is this the same 'empty space' as the trap rules use? Or more likely just meaning a space that does not have another figure etc in it? Can a Leaping figure end it's Leap on an obstacle it could normally move onto (lava, for example)?
Q. The Leap rule states that a leap must end on an empty space. Does this refer to a space not occupied by another figure, or refer also to obstacles and other terrain that may normally be entered?
A1. A Leap must end on an entirely empty space or spaces. This means that a leap can only end on spaces that are eligible for playing a space trap on them that has the requirement on playing when a figure enters an empty space. Thus a Leap cannot end on any obstacle.
A2. A Leap must end on a space or spaces that the Leaping figure would normally be able to end it's move on. Thus the spaces must be empty of any figures or other tokens that prevent finishing there like Villagers, Shadow Soul or impassable terrain. A Leap move may end on an obstacle such as Lava, or pits, and will suffer any usual effects of entering that space (subject to the large monsters rules if it is a large monster of course).