Powerleaders pack (1st extension) question

By Flbbd2fl, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (1st Edition)

When a leader has 'if i win the battle, you might keep the march order', does it mean:

*I keep the marker with the invasion troups, and can rush the map risk-like

*I let the marker where it was, it only allows me to do 2 marches from the same starting territory against ennemy units this turn.


And about the -1 leader of the Martell:

If the other player has a 'ignore enemy card text' ability, and is higher in fight-influence area, does the martell player get to play his second leader card, or not at all?

Flbbd2fl said:

When a leader has 'if i win the battle, you might keep the march order', does it mean:

*I keep the marker with the invasion troups, and can rush the map risk-like

*I let the marker where it was, it only allows me to do 2 marches from the same starting territory against ennemy units this turn.

And about the -1 leader of the Martell:

If the other player has a 'ignore enemy card text' ability, and is higher in fight-influence area, does the martell player get to play his second leader card, or not at all?

We also confronted the same question. We came up with the following logic:

As the house card is played with the attacking forces and the march command goes with the attacking forces. In other way (the commans stays with the troops left behind) who would trigger the command if all troops would take part in the attack.

No. The text ability is ignored. No influence track can change that.