A Beginner's Quest About RtL and other expansions

By AndreaDraco83, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi folks! I'm new here! :D

I've recently bought Descent: Journeys in the Dark (core game) to play with my boyfriend and our group of friends. We greatly enjoyed it and now we're thinking about buying the expansions. I've a question, though. We would like to buy the Road to Legend expansion to play the campaign, but do we have to have also the previous expansions (WoD and AoD) to play it? Are they required, recommended or not at all necessary to enjoy RtL?

This question aside, what expansions would you recommend us to buy and in which order?

Thank you very much!


It is possible to play RtL without any other expansions. I would rather wade through an outhouse, though. Get AoD at least.


Road to Legend is a long set of games, It will keep it interesting to add the expansions along the way, because each expansion will give you new monsters to battle, weapons to use etc.

Tomb of ice is the only expansion with Advance Campaign in mind, so that one is nice adding new rumors and other AC stuff.

However the orginal two expansions really help balance the game, so they are important for descent has a whole.

Just stay away from sea of blood till your ready for your second Campaign to start. Because it is a whole new map that is seperate from RtL.

Just to let you know, if you bought Sea of Blood, you could add a lot more Dungeon Levels and Rumors to RtL, which might be very nice adding a lot of fun and variability (besides Sea of Blood Dungeon Levels are better designed from an OL perspective and give new "value" to humanoid melee monsters). You should just remove three SoB rumor cards from the deck (the two referring to map pieces and the one with the "unknown" prize), since the prize for such Rumors makes sense ONLY in SoB.

By the way, AoD and ToI should have top priority.

none of the expansions are required for Road to Legend.

Each of the "dungeons" that you will pull have a choice of 3 sets of monsters you can spawn.

1 set from the base game and 1 set from each of the expansions, well of darkness, altar of despair.

Creatures will generally be from these specific expansions.

If you buy RtL, you will still have the cards needed to play those creatures, but not the figures.

You could simply substitute another figure if you still wanted to play with those creatures.

Other than that, there is lots of very interesting stuff in the expansions, new heroes, new items, new skills.

Thanks for the replies everyone! :)

I'll let you know... Christmas is nearing and I'm sure we'll buy something Descent-related as soon as possible :D