Clarification on Xavier's Primordial Sin and Ki Charges

By AyoSup, in Anima: Tactics

1) Xavier

OOO Primordial Sin (Ki, Charge)

Xavier gains bonus Damage equal to the LP he sacrifices (maximum of 5).

What is the general consensus on when Xavier must declare the number of LP to sacrifice for bonus Damage? Before or After rolling for Attack and its corresponding level of success?

2) Do Ki Charges confer a +2 Attack bonus like a normal Charge, in addition to other modifiers (such as additional Attack or Damage buffs)?


I think all modifiers normally need to be declared before rolling the dice. If you had a Special Ability that only added to Damage, you'd need to pay the AP cost before rolling for it. That said, I think it's possible to wait and reveal a Damage-boosting Advantage card AFTER an attack hits... but I think that might be an exception rather than the rule.

Special Charges still add all the normal modifiers, on top of whatever the Special Ability description says. So, a Special Charge gets an extra +2 and rolls two dice. A Special Counterattack would get -2 to the Attack roll, plus any bonuses from the Special.

You declare any additional life point expediture or other bonus increases before you make an attack check this includes any increases to damage from advantage cards or other sources. This is so your opponent can make an informed descision on how they will defend themselves (Such as Dodging with Gnosis or using another special reactive ability).

Usually the only time an advantage card is revealed after an attack is concluded is if the card states that in such an event it should appear. OF the top of my head I could only see Dragon's Blood the special promo card falling into that category.

As for modifiers. All sources of modifiers stack in Anima,

e.g. Lorenzo Charges an enemy model (Kronen) using his special charge he spends an action point for +2, Sophia, allied with Lorenzo reactively activates her abilities giving a further +2. Lorenzo charges and adds in that modifier for a grand bonus of +6.

Kronen uses his Special Ability: Scarlet Heartbeat and gets lucky rolling well on his defense and avoiding Lorenzos attack. In turn Kronen may counterattack which suffers an innate -2 to the attack but Kronens ability gives him +4 resulting in a total bonus to hit of +2

- Raith

Ah. As expected. So declare any bonuses before making an attack roll. Thanks!

It's great that bonuses stack. So it's actually dangerously possible to "one-shot" characters... even warriors, unless they're stocked up with armor.

You can indeed 1=shot a lot of the figures, though its difficult on some of the Damage Resistance ones and the tanks.

In my experience most 1-shot attempts tend to come from Assassin figures or Drake who can buff himself a great deal. In either case however most opponents see the massive build up and will do whatever they can to avoid it, though that in itself is a tactic as it can get someone to spend a lot of AP on defence.

- Raith

True. Though I guess if you leave your best character out in the open and vulnerable to a gnosis charge with the works then you'd deserve it. :P It's just a scary prospect as most of my figures are naked to the core (0 to 1 Armor only).

OT: Games @Mindgames this Saturday right?

I havent made the official announcement but yes, I have time for one last day of Anima on Sat the 11th

- Raith