'Jumping' is never actually defined anywhere. Opinions differ over whether jumping is possible only in the 8 basic directions, or whether it can be in any direction similar to LOS or whether it can be between two spaces that have X spaces between them where X is the number of spaces jumped (ie, around corners!)
1 2 3 4 5 6
A OOOOOO P = pit
B OOGOOO M = monster
C OOOOPO G = grappling monster
D OOMPOO H = hero
Where can the hero jump using 3 MP? Only C4? (it is the only space in a straight line that actually goes over an obstacle). C3 as well?
('Around' the monster in D4). E6? (perhaps to avoid a potential space trap at E5? Trust me, this can be very important!)
If the hero spend 9MP to jump 3 spaces, can he end in A5? Or is he grappled as he passes through C4? He would be grappled if he jumped in a straight line, not if he jumped by choosing space to space and moved 'over' D4-C5-B5 to A5.
Can he spend 6MP to jump to B5? It is straight line, over an obstacle, through no obstructions, but not in one of the 8 basic directions.
Q1. Is jumping restricted to the 8 basic directions? If a figure was entirely surrounded by pits (8 spaces), could it jump into any of the spaces on the other side of the pits (16 spaces), is he limited to only 8 out of those 16 further spaces to land in?
A1-1. A figure can only jump in the 8 basic directions, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W and NW in clockwise order. So a figure could not jump over a single space and end in a position N-NW away from where he started.
A1-2. A figure can only jump in any direction like LOS. So a figure could jump over a single space and end in a position N-NW away from where he started.
Q2. If the to Q1 is A1-2, then is a figure's 'jump movement considered to be exactly straight like LOS, or calculated by moving over an adjacent space, stating this is the space I am jumping over and then finishing the jump on a further space adjacent to the 'jumped space?
This matters for impassable instructions (and 'grappled' spaces).
A2-1. Jumping is calculated like LOS except there must be no obstructions to movement in the intervening spaces rather than no obstructions to visibility. This means that to end in a space N-NW from the starting space, both of the spaces N and NW of the starting space must be clear of movement obstructions because the line-of-jump passes through both of these spaces.
A2-2. Jumping is calculated like single space movement. So if there is an impassable obstruction to a figure's adjacent N, the figure can
still jump to N-NW by jumping as NW->N instead.
Q3. Can a figure use the jump rules to jump any (passable) space, or only the spaces that specifically allow jumping?
A3-1. A figure may jump any space that he can pass through if he chooses. Thus a hero may jump over a Giant Mushroom, tree or even an empty space should he choose.
A3-2. Only spaces which specifically allow jumping can be jumped. Thus only pits, mud, lava and ice may be jumped over at teh current time of answering.
Comment: This is complex and wordy, but I think necessary. Hopefully more minds can refine things a little bit