Ejected from Dungeon?

By Drglord, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In the rulebook of RTL it says if you cycle through your deck twice you eject the heroes from the dungeon. In the Headless Hollow site in the summary rules it says 3 times for normal dungeons and 4 times for rumors and legendary areas.

Did they changed that at some point? Did i miss something?

Drglord said:

In the rulebook of RTL it says if you cycle through your deck twice you eject the heroes from the dungeon. In the Headless Hollow site in the summary rules it says 3 times for normal dungeons and 4 times for rumors and legendary areas.

Did they changed that at some point? Did i miss something?

I would always go by the rule book and FAQs. The handouts from headless hollow and other places are not offical rules just a easier way of keeping the mulitple resources in a consolidated spot.

the most recent FAQ states

"The Overlord's Deck
If the Overlord cycles through his deck twice in the same
dungeon level, the heroes are ejected from the dungeon
and are forced to flee it. Note that the Overlord's Keep is
not subject to this rule."

Which the RtL book i believe says 2 cycles for the whole dungeon, this new update seems to be sayign 2 cycles on a single dungeon level. Making much more sense for larger dungeons like the secert dungeons and the overlord keep. 2 cycles just wouldnt be enough with 4 dungeon levels.

The FAQ rule has changed over time, headless hollow has not kept up.

That would explain it. But non the less 2 shuffles in a single level? That is quite extreme. The 3 shuffles in the whole dungeon sounds more reasonable i don't understand why would they raise it to 2 shuffles per level resulting in 6 shuffles in the whole dungeon i mean has anyone even ever reached that point even with cards like evil genius and treachery cards?

It is intended to prevent an abuse where the heroes sit in town and the OL cycles his deck until enough conquest has been earned to force a premature final battle. The reason it is so extreme is because they don't want it happening in a normal game.

That said, it can still happen, though the only time we've gotten close was in the 4 level of a legendary dungeon. If we'd waited another turn or two before going to the 4th, the OL's deck would have been closer to its first cycle when we started, and we'd have been ejected.

i've getting closer to this case, but when my players have understand what will gonna happen they 're started to run avoiding the small monsters and the far away pile of gold.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

i've getting closer to this case, but when my players have understand what will gonna happen they 're started to run avoiding the small monsters and the far away pile of gold.

Which is something they really should be doing anyway as a matter of course. Most dungeon card levels are small enough that all gold piles can be grabbed (most,) but there's no reason to stop and slaughter monsters that aren't directly in your way.