More questions

By Drglord, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

As our campaign progresses we meet more difficult situations.

1st) Since the revision of the leadership i am buffled with the revision of half actions.

a) Can you place the order in your self so in turn you get 2 orders? (declare ready and move)

b) Can someone specify how in hell in actuallity leadership works step by step?

2nd) Acrobat

a) Do you move through pits as they weren't there?

b) In the errata it mentions that you count as obstacles stuff like trees and the like. But that raises a question. So i spend only 1 movement to move through a tree, table, etc. What if i stop on it? Do i still get the bonuses but i have paid only 1 to move to it? Do you also negate the effects of mud? What about locations like the swamp where adjacent to water tiles cost 2 movement points.

c) If a monster is standing on a glyph, money marker, potion can you move through him and activate, pick up the money, potion? I think i had read it somewhere before but i can't seem to find it now.

Drglord said:

As our campaign progresses we meet more difficult situations.

1st) Since the revision of the leadership i am buffled with the revision of half actions.

a) Can you place the order in your self so in turn you get 2 orders? (declare ready and move)

b) Can someone specify how in hell in actuallity leadership works step by step?

2nd) Acrobat

a) Do you move through pits as they weren't there?

b) In the errata it mentions that you count as obstacles stuff like trees and the like. But that raises a question. So i spend only 1 movement to move through a tree, table, etc. What if i stop on it? Do i still get the bonuses but i have paid only 1 to move to it? Do you also negate the effects of mud? What about locations like the swamp where adjacent to water tiles cost 2 movement points.

c) If a monster is standing on a glyph, money marker, potion can you move through him and activate, pick up the money, potion? I think i had read it somewhere before but i can't seem to find it now.

1a. I suspect you intended to ask a slightly different question. You can place the order on yourself, but that will not get you two orders. It is not ever possible to have two orders at once.

1b. FAQ pg1
Leadership (skill)
You may not choose the same half action twice with Leadership . It is not possible to place an order on another figure and an order on the figure with Leadership. It is possible for a hero with Leadership to give another hero a Rest order, and then have that hero activate and recover full fatigue on their turn in the same round that the order was placed.

To use leadership:
At the start of step of the hero turn, declare a Ready action and pay 1 fatigue. This gives you effectively three half-actions , one of which must be placing an order, and no half-action may be repeated . So you have a move half action, an attack half action and a place order half action, although if you are playing with prolonged orders then you might use the Concentrate half action instead of either the move or the attack.
As usual, you may do these half actions in any order , including splitting up any moving before and/or after either the attack or the order placement.
When you place the order, you may place it on any hero, not just yourself.
That is it - it isn't as hard or as complicated as it is cracked up to be.

2a. Yes - you may may enter and move through obstacles ... without effect , and pits are obstacles. Not however that the LOS effect of pits is still active. It is only the entry and movement effects that are ignored by acrobats.

2b. Yes you get the bonuses - only movement and entry effects are ignored. So what that you get the bonuses without paying the costs - that is the benefit of a skill sometimes! Yes Mud is negated - mud is an obstacle and its effect is an entry effect, explicitly ignored by acrobats.
Ahh, now the last little sub-question here is actually a good one. It isn't entirely clear whether an acrobat can ignore those sorts of effects because they are scenario effects rather than standard obstacle effects. It is arguable, but I tend to hnadwave and say maybe technically an acrobat cannot ighnore these effects because they are not obstacle effects, but an acrobat (even more so a flyer, who follows the same rules as an acrobat in this situation) probably/clearly should ignore these effects, and it is obviously something slightly outside the usual rules definitions - so we just call it a houserule that they can and move on.

2c. Yes. The exception is chests, which have an explicit rule saying they can't be opened while sharing a space.

Acrobat is arguably the single best skill in the game. Telekinesis is the only thing that comes close.

Corbon said:

2a. Yes - you may may enter and move through obstacles ... without effect , and pits are obstacles. Not however that the LOS effect of pits is still active. It is only the entry and movement effects that are ignored by acrobats.

+1 to everything Corbon said. I'll just add a little footnote here that the Overlord may still play pit traps on an acrobatic hero and they will affect him normally. Once the pit token is on the map, he can ignore it as an obstacle, but this does not grant him immunity to the Overlord's cards while they're being played. Same goes for Crushing Block.

I also agree with the idea that special map rules like the swamp thing should be ignored by an acrobat. One can probably argue the opposite by the rules quite easily, but to my mind it seems like this penalty to adjacent squares is still an effect being generated by the water obstacle, and as such would be ignored. Also, keep in mind that I don't think there was anything like that in the game when Acrobat was first written, and that's the kind of quandary that tends to slip through the cracks in this game.