Road to Legend: Two different boxes?

By Mestre dos Magos, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

i honestly don't know, but i had to chuckle, when i read "Playing Time: 2 - 4 hrs". this is one huge pile of miss information. in case you care, it's more like 40 hrs if you have a solid grasp of the rules and are quite a seasoned group of (descent) players.

also, amazon deleted wikileaks from it's cloud basically violating the first amendment due to pressure of the government. i suggest you look for another shop, if you care to buy the game. (sorry for political intermission ;) )

That was the original box art they used when Road to Legend was announced. I guess they changed it throughout the development process, but I don't know for certain why.

Mestre dos Magos said:

So, is one older print than the other? Any ideas? Because I only managed to find the yellow box for sale...

When you say you can only find the yellow one for sale, I presume you've been looking exclusively online. The yellow box art was released when RtL was first announced, but it changed to the blue box with the dragon before it was released. As far as I know, the blue box art is the only version that was ever actually printed, and I'm thinking if you order it from Amazon or any other online source using the old image, you'll end up getting a copy with the blue box art in the mail.

Steve-O said:

Mestre dos Magos said:

So, is one older print than the other? Any ideas? Because I only managed to find the yellow box for sale...

When you say you can only find the yellow one for sale, I presume you've been looking exclusively online. The yellow box art was released when RtL was first announced, but it changed to the blue box with the dragon before it was released. As far as I know, the blue box art is the only version that was ever actually printed, and I'm thinking if you order it from Amazon or any other online source using the old image, you'll end up getting a copy with the blue box art in the mail.

You assume correctly :)

Thanks for clearing my doubts :)

the yellow version it's more cooler by the way.