Noob Question please answer :P

By guest508175, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

dragon76 said:

Absolutely.On a quick sidenote IIRC I think the stats for 2 and 3 are exactly the same.

They are, since a 2 player game is expected to use two heroes (plus the OL), it works out to the same as a 3 player game. FFG just included both to be thorough. Not that it ends up mattering since, as we love to say around here, you should always play 4 heroes (and therefore the "5 player" monster cards) no matter how many people are actually at the table.

hey, i hope somebody is still reading this thread :)
I come back with a new question ( that i have not found explained in the rulebook)

We have bought "Descent - road to legend ", the advance campaign, and we are curious if the money on the map ( the ones that in the standard game gave each hero 100 coins - together 400 coins) now give out 400 gold for all party or just 100.

400 coins for the party pool.

Hello and thak you for the answer.

We have had a debait last night, and I am curios if the outcome is the correct one.

A hero has finished it;s movement, declaring a ready action, and placing a Guard order. Now from what I understand he can interrupt at any time the OL's turn. By this I understand that if the OL moves his monster and passes a nearby hero, the hero can than make his interrupted attack. Meaning he will pause the OL's monster ( make his attack) and if the monster is dead - he is removed from the board, if it survives the hero's attack, it continues his movement and then attacks the targeted hero.

The debait we had last night was that the OL stated that in order for the hero to resolve the guard order, the monster must fist finish it;s movement ( or make it;s attack), even if it passed the hero ( melee hero) that had the Guard order.

Thx in advance for any answers.

A Guard order can be used at any time during the OL´s turn, be it during his start of turn actions or during any of his monsters´ activations. It can be in the midst of an activation, it doesn´t matter. Please note that the Guarding hero can attack ANY monster within his line of sight using all normal attack rules, not necessarily the one currently activated.

Thank you very much Parathion. So, if the passing monster passes near a guarding hero, it will be attack ( no matter if the monster did not finish it;s movement, or did not attack). This seems logical to me too. But for my friends it does not :) )

By the way, another one. When the OL plays a trap card. On most of them it is written ( Play this card when a hero moves into an empty space , that is not adiacent to any obstacles bla bla bla). If the hero moves let';s say 5 spaces, will the OL be able to play this card whenever he wishes during the 5 space movement of the hero ? Or will the OL be able to play the card only when the hero has moved all his 5 spaces ?
IN my opinion, when a hero moves into an empty space the trap can be played. no matter if he has 4 movement left or just 1. It;s the OL's choice to play the card on what space he wishes.

Moshuromania said:

IN my opinion, when a hero moves into an empty space the trap can be played. no matter if he has 4 movement left or just 1. It;s the OL's choice to play the card on what space he wishes.


As it seems my friend your "friend" is making up rules in order to completely turn around the game in his favor.

Guard can be used at ANY TIME the player wants even if he CAN'T attack a monster. He can even make the OL rewind his play as long as he hasn't rolled any dices. Meaning the monster can move "DECLARE" an attack against another character and then you can force him to rewind to the point he passed by you and attack him at any point he was adjacent or in the case you have ranged or magic at any point you could attack him.

As for the space question i can only guess at what your "friend" has come up again as an argument. Yes you can play at ANY TIME the player moves through a empty square. Like the guard since players move their character not one square at a time you can make him REWIND again his movement at any point and say that at that EMPTY square you played him a trap. After the trap is resolved he can continue his movement as he wants.

An easy way to deal with these kind of guys is to make him play OL and use the same MAKE rules he is trying to enforce and see how that goes. Anyway try and read the faq you will find alot of stuff there to help you rub it in his face.

IMHO it seems you aren't going to have alot of fun against a guy like that since he will be constantly trying to make up house rules and going to challenge anything you do.

Drglord said:

He can even make the OL rewind his play as long as he hasn't rolled any dices. Meaning the monster can move "DECLARE" an attack against another character and then you can force him to rewind to the point he passed by you and attack him at any point he was adjacent or in the case you have ranged or magic at any point you could attack him.

Err, no hero player can make the OL rewind his play - unless the OL speedrushed his monster past the Guarding hero (which is clearly stated in the rules as being not correct).

The OL player has the option to rewind his play until the status before the Guard was executed, rewinding any declared attacks for example. He cannot ever rewind his movement after the Guard went off.

Err back to you mate. Facts. This is the official answer. Yes a rewind can happen as long as dices haven't been thrown.

Does the OL have to continue his same course of action when interrupted by a guard action?

The OL may change his mind after being interrupted. (…) the OL can change his mind after being interrupted, (…) treat it as though you did a little 'rewind' to right before he declared an attack. The OL, after being interrupted after declaring an attack, may choose to continue with the attack, change its target, or even not to make the attack at all. (Edited to keep the context of the answer)

A Little rewind is a still a rewind.

You missed the point. It is an OPTION for the OL to change anything about attacks. The way you wrote it gave the impression that the hero player can FORCE the OL to take back any movement, which is not true (nor has the OL the OPTION to take back movement steps).

So this whole guard thing has me thinking...

I though you could only INTERRUPT the OL's turn if the OL was attacking...not just moving.

So if Hero A places a guard order, and a monster moves into sight down the hall, and Hero A has a bow...I can interrupt the OL and make an attack?

Phos_Hilaron said:

So this whole guard thing has me thinking...

I though you could only INTERRUPT the OL's turn if the OL was attacking...not just moving.

So if Hero A places a guard order, and a monster moves into sight down the hall, and Hero A has a bow...I can interrupt the OL and make an attack?

DJitD pg15
At any point during the overlord player’s turn (not during a hero’s turn), a hero may use his guard order to immediately “interrupt” the overlord player’s turn...
The timing is at any time in the OL's turn. Even before he draws cards if you choose.
DJitD pg15
... The overlord player’s turn is immediately halted ( even if the overlord player was about to attack with a monster), ...
'Even' does not mean only.

Thanks for the sound interpretation. We've re-read that paragraph tons of times, and thought it could go either way. Got it! Thanks.

@ Drglord

I tip my hat over to you. Thx for your great answers - they were really helpful.

If I could i would send over a crate of beer to you mon :D

It doesn't make to much sens since this game is Action based (is based on rounds) it should made more sens to me to guard could take effect after or before MOVEMENT ACTION. :)

I'm playing OL atm... from what I gathered on this discussions is that I can play trap card at ANY MOMENT a player is moving not after or before he completes the MOVEMENT ACTION..... for me it would made more sens to do it before or after because is not a real time game :) it based on rounds :)

Gigel said:

It doesn't make to much sens since this game is Action based (is based on rounds) it should made more sens to me to guard could take effect after or before MOVEMENT ACTION. :)

I'm playing OL atm... from what I gathered on this discussions is that I can play trap card at ANY MOMENT a player is moving not after or before he completes the MOVEMENT ACTION..... for me it would made more sens to do it before or after because is not a real time game :) it based on rounds :)

the traps read "when hero moves to an empty space" or some such you can play the trap ... and since movement is explained as a series of moving one square at a time i don't see how you could NOT play the trap in the middle of the hero's charge

Moshuromania said:

tyvm. i will do my best to try and make the game more interesting.

how do you guys handle heroes that use the GUARD ability ? I mean, after they ready - they use the guard mode .. which let them attack my minions 1st :(

i'm asking for a strategy that might help with this :)

i get the feeling you give your heroes too much slack... do u make them declare what action they will take before they start moving around? also .. they can only go in guard if they give up half they round by default and they lose the guard token if you manage to damage them :) (same as rest btw)

we've only played about half a dozen times (and i'm the OL) but it seems to me the only chance i got is either ganging up on the weakest hero or slow them down as much as possible to take away their conquest tokens by drawing my cards (this yielded me most of their conquest tokens since they only tried dungeons 1 & 2 so far) also like some ppl said b4 me .. do not discard your cards unless you need the threat tokens - you can discard them at any time for threat :)