A New Beginning (yet another introduction thread).

By Surreal Twilight, in New Key Bearers

Hello everyone. My 'name' is Surreal Twilight, and I am new to these forums and the KH TCG. I am from Ontario (Canada) and I have been a big fan of the KH series since its release. It made a big impact on me as a child, and it continues to be my favourite videogame series. I am now also a big fan of the TCG. I was lucky enough to find a store around me that sells the cards so I picked up a couple of starter decks as well as some boosters.

I have only played this TCG a couple of times with a friend, and I plan to continue playing this game as well as finding new opponents. It seems that finding a player in your own area is sort of rare with this game due to its lack of popularity over other TCGs but I will continue to look for new people to play with. I am going to try and get more people in my area to try this game, and hopefully I will eventually be able to find a tournament near by to compete in. Or maybe help set up a tournament in my area, who knows what'll happen.

Anyway, I have made this post as a meet and greet. So let me just start by saying that it's nice to meet you all (even though we have not yet officially met) and if you would like to say hello, feel free to do so. Feel free to leave any tips or comments that you may like. Just as a forewarning though, I am not actually looking to join any teams at the moment, so although it's flattering, please refrain from any group invites.


Surreal Twilight.

A very nice intro, but you're right about the lack of popularity. You might try some online matches. They're not the same as a real life one, but they are nice if you can't find an alternative.

(For the record, I'm always looking for a match if I'm online...)

welcome to the forums. if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask

Welcome to the forrums. I'm one of the team leaders of The Final Alliance, along with my bro Digi_Dude, Namflow, and Khaosknight (though it's mostly Digi and I). No, I'm not trying to recruit you, I'm just telling you cause it's sometimes a good thing to know who the team leaders are. If there's anything you need, post a thread and most people will be more than willing to help out. And feel free to ask any questions.

welcome to the forums im the two named hero you can call me blasphemous hero or suzaku_pheonix i'll answer to either one but i wont answer to susan no matter how many times you call me that anywho have fun and if you have any questions feel free to ask me anytime

Really? I didn't know you were phoenix too?

yep that was me (oh no my covers blown)

Well that just proves how slow I am... :) Anyways, kinda getting off topic.

oh thats ok i often find it difficult to stay on topic and you're not slow you're just not paying attention gui%C3%B1o.gif

Welcome to FFG, hope you enjoy your stay.

Thank you all for the very warm welcome. I look forward to what the KH TCG and this forum has to offer. I may not be active very often since I am fairly busy. Although when I am active I tend to be active for brief periods ranging from a week to a couple months (since I am busy with school I might be more on and off). I look forward to getting to know you all better and see what this forum has in store.

