More questions to come

By Drglord, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1st) Can you buy more than one treachery per game week as an overlord? It doens't mention it everywhere. I mean does buying 2 points of treachery counts as 2 upgrades or one?

2nd) Surges given by skills like prodigy etc are they black dices or do you count them as 2 boosts (either extra dices or boosts)

3rd) 2 lieutenats in a city will they produce 2 siege tokens? The rules that each one will produce one but does it work that way?

4th) Let's say a lieutenant is sieging a town. Heroes move on the city are they forced to attack him? Or they can ignore him and visit the city instead?

Drglord said:

1st) Can you buy more than one treachery per game week as an overlord? It doens't mention it everywhere. I mean does buying 2 points of treachery counts as 2 upgrades or one?

2nd) Surges given by skills like prodigy etc are they black dices or do you count them as 2 boosts (either extra dices or boosts)

3rd) 2 lieutenats in a city will they produce 2 siege tokens? The rules that each one will produce one but does it work that way?

4th) Let's say a lieutenant is sieging a town. Heroes move on the city are they forced to attack him? Or they can ignore him and visit the city instead?

1. No. A point of Treachery is an upgrade, and you are limited to one upgrade per week.
SoB pg7 (RtL same but different pages)
4. Treachery Upgrade Costs
Each colored hexagon in this section lists the Experience (or “XP,” see page 8) cost for the overlord to buy one treachery of that type. Additionally, the space below each hexagon lists the maximum number of treachery of that type that may be purchased. For example, the Master of the Hunt can buy one monster treachery for 15 XP , but may not do this more than three times. (Treachery was introduced in The Well of Darkness and The Altar of Despair. Groups that do not own either expansion should refer to “Simplified Treachery” on page 34.)

The overlord may purchase one upgrade per game week with his XP. Upgrade examples include Avatar Upgrades, Plot cards, treachery upgrades , and monster upgrades. For a full list, see “Overlord Upgrades” on page 32.
Treachery Upgrades
The overlord can use XP to increase his treachery. The cost to purchase one point of treachery of a given type, as well as the maximum number of points of each type the overlord can have, vary based on which Avatar the overlord

3. Overlord Actions
When the overlord acts during the game week, he may do two different types of actions: issues order to his lieutenants, and purchase an upgrade

2. Neither. Surges given by skills, abilities or items are neitehr power dice nor upgrades. They are just surges, nothing to do with dice whatsoever. You addthese to the result of all dice rolled, that is all.

3. Yes, up to the defensive value of that city.
SoB pg14
Lieutenant Orders
The overlord may issue one order to each of his lieutenants per game week. Each order may be to either move, or besiege a city.
• Besiege a City: If the lieutenant begins his turn in a city, he can besiege it . If he does, the overlord places a siege token on that city’s space , as long as it currently has fewer siege tokens than the city’s Defense rating. (If it currently has siege tokens equal to the city’s Defense rating, the overlord does not add additional siege tokens.)

Where people usually get confused are the Lts are not directly involved with the Raze roll. That happens in Step 2, and there is a (one) raze roll for a city as long as the number of seige tokens on that city is sufficient - regardless of the number of Lts present (if no Lts are present all tokens will be removed, so there won't be enough tokens to match the defense rating). Lts add raze tokens or move later in the turn order (step 3).

4. Neither heroes nor Lts are ever forced to attack each other.
SoB pg15
If the heroes end their movement in the same area as a lieutenant, they may (but do not have to) attack that lieutenant (see “Encounters Involving Lieutenants” on page 18).

All the rules quoted in this post are identical in RtL and SoB (although they may be on different pages).

Drglord said:

1st) Can you buy more than one treachery per game week as an overlord? It doens't mention it everywhere. I mean does buying 2 points of treachery counts as 2 upgrades or one?

2nd) Surges given by skills like prodigy etc are they black dices or do you count them as 2 boosts (either extra dices or boosts)

3rd) 2 lieutenats in a city will they produce 2 siege tokens? The rules that each one will produce one but does it work that way?

4th) Let's say a lieutenant is sieging a town. Heroes move on the city are they forced to attack him? Or they can ignore him and visit the city instead?

1. i think you are right, that it's not written anywhere, but i strongly suggest, that you count one point as one upgrade. i would,

2. i don't understand what you mean by that... two surges are just that, two surges. you just get them and can use them as if you had just rolled them with dice, but without actually rolling any dice. they are essentially free,

3. yes it works that way,

4. not forced. can visit.

Thanks for the answers boys. About the 2nd question believe it or not for some weird reason i was translating that as 2 more dices and we were playing like that for quite some time since no one had noticed it. Awesome... Anyway it works better as 2 standard surges per attack rather than the 2 extra dices we were rolling.