Getting rid of the collection (CCG)

By BloodHelmet, in CoC Trade Forum

Well, as much as I hate it, it's time to get rid of my collection. Some of you will remember me from world tournaments past (I'm Greg from Indiana with the goatee). I had a great time and loved the game but it's time to move on.

I haven't been on here in a very long time so I don't know what the state of the game might currently be or if any of the stuff I have is still desirable, but if anyone can give me some advice as to how I can disperse it, I'd appreciate it. Please bear in mind that I'd like to get rid of my cards easily, make what I can, and help the community--as a result, suggestions like "get on this trade forum, list every card you have, take 19234659263 years to get them all sold off" might be helpful and lucrative but absolutely do not interest me at all. Similarly, "you can just donate them to me/him/her/them" are useless. My plan is to set everything up on ebay as either a single, huge auction or as one auction per set/playset/etc and then a bulk auction unless we have a better way of distributing them set up through the fan or FFG channels.

Please let me know and thanks for all the fun!

Oh, I didn't say what I had:

LOTS of the old ccg promos.

2 Syndicate Stone Domains

I think 2 Miskatonic Stone Domains

at least 1 set of each set and expansion ever released (as much as a x3 playset of many of them)

x4 playsets of each of the set cards

several yithian decks

a few pre-con starters

random stuff

stupid numbers of commons and uncommons

lots of extra rares from all ccg sets

Well I'm definitely interested in some of your collection. Especially the complete sets & the coveted Yithian decks since I only discovered the game after it became an LCG. Do you have a set asking-price for things or are you taking offers?

Oh, I do have cash. I won't BS you about giving them away.

Hey Jim, my two new friend requests, and anyone else who is interested:

I'd be happy to get some or all of my collection to you. At this point I'm taking offers (because of the community interest, I'm putting the ebay plan on hold).

I am currently sorting and counting all of the sets and bulk cards so I can post them on here, but this is a list of the stuff I've cataloged so far:

1 sealed Yithian Deck

1 Un-sealed, but mint condition Yithian Deck

2 sealed demo decksnothing special, just the ones that were distributed to Servitors

Plenty of paper promo stuffPosters, a play-mat thing, two art proofs, etc.I'll try to catalog the contents when I get to that part

2 un-sealed, promo-removed Card Coffins

1 sealed, promos-still-in-it Card Coffin

2 Miskatonic Stone Domains

1 Syndicate Stone Domain

1 repaired Syndicate Stone DomainI ordered the last one and the lady at FFG accidentally broke it in half. I glued it back together using high-quality modeling glue. If anyone might be interested in this, email me and I'll send you a picture. It's obviously been broken, but it's been repaired to the point where, unless you are a MINT AND ONLY MINT type, you might find that it has more character than the perfect, but admittedly a little plain ones.

9562934652 Success tokensThese are NOT the new Cthulhu statues that FFG has released. These are the old tokens which look like they were produced by Gail Force 9 (though I think the company that made them was Flying Tricycledon't bother contacting them though, I had to work out a deal with FFG where they let me go through FT to get all these after FFG had stopped distributing themyes, I was HARDCORE into this game for a LONG time). Anyway, they are clear plastic and represent each of the factions. Let me know which factions you want and how many tokens. If response is slow, I'll go ahead and count out exactly what I've got.

1 sealed Unspeakable Tales Booster Box

1 sealed Masks of Nyarlathotep Booster Box

1 sealed Eldritch Edition Booster Box

I'll be putting the rest together as I get it sorted. In the mean time, so that we don't crowd the forum, feel free to email me at . I'll respond to individual questions there, but I'll keep this thread updated as deals are made and as I get the list sorted.

Also, please let me know if you want me to post any offers made publicly. The idea of silent-auction-style distribution feels shady to meI don't like the idea that I might get emails from two people who both want something and then one guy gets the "sorry" response without getting a chance to say, "wait! I want it more!" but at the same time I want to respect everyone's privacy and I don't want to turn this thread into a simple auction.

Let me know!


Here are some additional items that I have which I failed to list earlier:

1 more Un-Sealed but Mint condition Yithian deck (2 total unsealed and 1 total sealed)

2 more sealed pre-con demo decks (4 total)

4 AE starter decksThese are JUST the pre-con portion. The random cards have been removed. 2 Mythos. 2 Investigators.

1 AE Investigators starter deckSealed

2 AE Premium Starters MINUS the cards that are only available there (don't worry, I have them, but I'll list them as promos/AE cards later). Again, these are JUST the portion which are [lizard set symbol] F # duplicates of other AE cards.

I'm researching the card prices right now to figure out what this is worth, but since it's probably of global interest and not just related to my collection, I'll be starting a new thread for that. Thanks for the time.

Hi there, I am definitely interested in a Yithian Deck.

Could you give me a rough idea of price including postage to the U.K. please ?

Many thanks in advance, Neil.

Okay, I've received two requests for Yithian decks now and I have three (convenient, eh?). Nobody has any idea what they're worth, but the price at which the last one apparently sold is high enough that I'd feel like a jerk asking for it without some proof that it's still worth that much. As a result, I'm going to put my sealed Yithian deck (don't worry, the other two are in mint conditionI was ridiculously anal about the quality of my cards) on ebay to see what it's worth. I'll start the auction in a day or two and make an announcement.

Keep in mind that the other two that I own are already claimed (unless the ebay deck sells for something astronomical and one of the claimants releases their claim) so if you want one of mine (particularly, if you want my sealed one), this is currently the way to get it.

Neil, I'll look into shipping costs and let you know asap. Thanks for the interest!

I could make a cash offer for one of the Yithian decks but fear it would not be near what you may fetch for it on eBay. Do you have set asking prices now for the rest of the items or are you leaving it up to best offer?

Okay, I'm making a new thread for the Yithian deck specifically, but for those of you who were following this one, since I've received several different "I'm interested" notes regarding the Yithians but nobody knows a price or has an offer, I'm ebaying my sealed copy. I only have two more copies and they are both unsealed (still M/NM, but unsealed) which will go to the two highest bidders AFTER the ebay auction is completed.

Hey BloodHelmet, I sent an e-mail a couple days ago regarding your collection, if it's still available. If you haven't received it yet you may want to check your junk filter.

I sent you an Email regarding some of your stuff... LMK OK?

sounds like a great game , i'm tempted .