Future expansion?

By bitva, in The Lord of the Rings: The Board Game

What are the possibilites for future expansions to this game? If this is unexpandable beyond what's already available, I'll try to find the original edition and its expansions rather than wait/hope for the expansions to be released as silverline expansions. As far as I know, no silverline game has any expansions however. The only thing preventing me from buying the originals is the potential for a never-before-released expansion only compatible with the Silverline version. The only thing preventing me from buying the new ediition is the potential that expansions will not be made available, or come all mixed together in a generic set.

Any info or rumors are appreciated!

I have no knowledge. too am waiting to hear about FFG's intentions with the expansions before I by the sliver line edition of the base game!

I wound up stumbling upon the original edition pretty cheaply. Hopefully any silverline expansions they put out would be compatible with it.