
By loken14, in Death Angel

does anyone else thinks that this game needs some expansions like space hulk that could possibly adds eldar, orks and chaos plus possibly a dreadnought for the marines

Personally I would like to see some more terrain cards.

i would like to see more action cards and probably rules to customize your marines happy.gif

I would like to see (in an expansion) more genestealers with enhanced abilities. demonio.gif

I'd love to see some different marines, like Deathwing or Wolfguard. That would rock! But I would probably buy anything for the game FF put out. Another die would be nice too - mine isn't balanced and loves 5s - making some of the battles drag on.


What this game clearly needs is more diverse terrain. With only 8 terrain cards (four of which rarely even come up), Death Angel becomes boring really quickly. Randomized terrain cards to make locations more interesting could really spice this game up. It would provide more strategy, a sense of exploration and, most importantly, better replay value.

This game needs:

1. More TERRAIN cards: corridors, corners, doors, tanks, etc, all with unique activation abilities randomly selected before each location.

2. New locations, especially end locations. Currently there are only 3 number 4 locations in the game and they get boring really fast.

3. Perhaps more event cards.

wat about instead of just more terminators different types of marines there are all kinds like tactical, assault, scout with there own abilities for a really big mix of tacticss

I wish they ll give us an expansion with new location , action cards and maybe new enemies (?) but i think they won't ... they never made an expansion for a silver line game ( i think ) .. and the game seems too " closed " for an expansion , too completed , except the small number of the destinations-missions ..

Saygah said:

Another die would be nice too - mine isn't balanced and loves 5s - making some of the battles drag on.


And mine too!!! It prefers the 5s ... its unfair for attacks but defending is good...

wat about i campaig with so many missions with pre selected locations and marines and they could also add more events

I heartily agree that the most interesting expansion would be more variable terrain. One must have a door at each location for obvious reasons, but what is the real difference between a straight or turning corridor? The difficulty is how to achieve that. The obvious way is more options for endings and greater variety of routes to reach there. Each terrain should have some effect - even if negative heaven forbid - otherwise, why is it there? More squad choices is OK and would be easy to achieve, but must keep the balance. As for more actions, well, what else is there? You move, support or attack. Extra choices takes away the natural restriction of normal choice of 2 from 3, making the whole bunch of squads work together. The Event deck is bad enough as it is, so if you want more nasties, perhaps a few not so deadly ones - too much to ask for anything good - would balence things. However, we are back to the randomness again. Whatever FFG decides on we will have to wait, but with Silver Line, don't hold your breath. Cheers!

aint silverline just wat they call the smaller games as opposed to the bigger board games or is silverline its own company

loken14 said:

aint silverline just wat they call the smaller games as opposed to the bigger board games or is silverline its own company

Yeah, silverline is a name for inexpensive and easier-to-learn games compared to the big guys. They generally are smaller in size as well.

so then what would prevent silver line from making an expansion plus there are 2 expansions for that anima tactics

I'm optomistic that we'll see an expansion at some point. More terrain and locations would indeed be welcome! (Along with anything else they want to throw in!)

I have the same problem with the die that was included w/my game BTW!

i was thinkin if they added chaos spacemarines or orks they couydnt occupie the same spot as the genestealers but they would have die modifiers in combat like the broodlords of varying amounts or even make combat easier but if they spawn on a spot with genestealers they must imdiately move to an adjacent spot without the other one occuping the spot

There are a few fan made "expansions" including new marines and terrain cards, try looking it up on boardgamegeek.com. But I have to admit that having some official expansion would be nice. I have some ideas I would like to put in play on my own, but I don´t know yet how to work with Adobe Acrobat (or however it is named) to make some pdf with cards in correct measures.

also i was thinkin some more squads they could add plus the standard marine could be a chaplain, and an apothecary plus a dreadnought and a tech marine could add some really cool features like reviving marines or a real good door spawn plus chaos space marines could add the ability for ur marines to get tainted which would allow for a power gained/lossed rules

Exactly. Dreadnought is what I´m talking about. Great character, but I thought, he could be too powerful, so I would let him stay alone as a single "team member" with several (maybe 3 or 4) hitpoints. I was also thinking about adding some hero with similar rules like the dreadnought - a Space Wolf commander for example, standard bearer marine or Grey Knight. Someone, who would add some more flavor and strength to the characters. Someone, who could be a tank, protector or booster unit for the adjacent marines.

Adding other types of enemies would be nice too, e. g. some Chaos Marines, which would make adding some Grey Knight or some other psykers even more sensible. But that would mean adding much more cards. And about adding some more terrain - it´s undebatable, it would come in handy. Or maybe some more items like the artifact. But, speaking of the terrain - I don´t really think the game would be boring after while due to the low number of terrain cards. As I wrote in some other thread - "When a horde of screaming genestealers storms against you, wailing in hunger for your blood and flesh, you just pull trigger and hope for the best. At such moments you just forget there is only 8 terrain cards, and only 4 of them actually DO something." But as I said also, having more terrain cards would be really nice :)

But if we would get all this, I think it would change Death Angel into completely different game, which would really need much bigger box :)

i do thinkmnthe easiest way to go is the new mission, Terrain and location cards for an expansion , a different space hulk (possible ork enemies, they love the space hulks) even another chapter of space with different action cards that are comparable with the level used in death angel. not to overpower the game. this means they can be used for either game.

those are just a few of my ideas

It seems they were listening, or they knew just what we wanted.

New expansions for Space Hulk? Yes please!

i no and with the two ones in the names it looks like they plan on makin even more

i'm gonna need a bigger box to carry all the new cards and further expansions

the current expansions still fit in the box maybe one more set ill fit too but after that we are gonna need a bigger box

I hope we see some figures expansion soon :)